By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I got a message from the girl I like. She told me to never speak to her again and not even look at her any more. Apparently the letter I wrote to her was perverted, vile and nasty. I never wrote her a letter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 090
You deserved it 2 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shit! I knew i sent that letter to the wrong person, Sorry OP.

That sucks! Maybe it was somone messing with you, if they know u like her... Kids can be dicks to eachother...


That sucks! Maybe it was somone messing with you, if they know u like her... Kids can be dicks to eachother...

it's probably your best friend who also likes this girl and suspects that she may like you too so he decided to act. everythings fair in love and war. (this statement is sooo untrue) so go do something about it.

LittleMonsterSam 5
LittleMonsterSam 5

23-you win this time. but watch out. I'll remember what you look like. a brown um thing. 

jiggyjiggz 0
collegegirl87 0

Haha 20, I actually have a feathered quill pen.

LittleMonsterSam 5

28- I think you are talking about your mother.

59-how did you know?!?! you're smarter then you look.

Shit! I knew i sent that letter to the wrong person, Sorry OP.

ooo was it to me?! I want a vile nasty letter!!

White_Fury 0

11 I've sent you like 7 already... are you not getting them??

oh really? well were they handwritten? I can only read handwritten letters.

White_Fury 0

All of them. I used my handy dandy notebook and spongebob pen!

yes I do and it's insatiable. I also love sharpening pencils. but then again who doesn't?! uhh. yeah.

onlywhenyourdrea 0

omg I totally love sharpening pencils!

Hayman68 4

yep, i tried sharpening a #1 to see what it was like and it was horrible.

so someones writing letters to her on your behalf and you didn't know it... creepy :s

iSitt 0

The op wrote it when he's asleep. check your desk and you'll find used airplane tickets and receipts from when you started secret anarchist groups all over the country.

Don't worry you never had a chance anyway, hope your day gets better!

Well, I guess your chances with her are ruined...

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Aw. Sounds like someone has it out for you OP.

If you really think it's worth it, explain it wasn't you. Might be an idea to find out who wrote it though, sounds like someone was messing with you, or it might've been given to the wrong girl.

you were probably drunk. at least it wasn't a drink and dial. surprised she could read your drunken hen scratch.