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By girlsx2mom - 31/08/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me because he doesn't want his mom "watching from heaven." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 736
You deserved it 7 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you want your mother to watch you have sex?

RawrNom 0

awww. I can see that, give him a while? I got that that with peeing when I was like nine. god could see! I grew out of it aha.


you should've been like "it's what she would've wanted." :)

smashmaster52 0

I think so too. Why not try to support him, maybe suggest to him that he tell/pray to his mother beforehand to please look away for a little while because, well... it's business time? You ain't nothin' but mammals, after all.

BeachSurfer94 0

oh my god!!!!! I'm the first to comment here

Marcella1016 31

If she was in Hell I'm sure she'd have bigger fish to fry. No pun intended.

He is assuming she went to heaven most people want to go to heaven.

If Jesus made water to wine on earth he'd be doing a lot more crazy shit up there, I think she'd preoccupied.

monstaber 6

I'm hoping she died recently and he'll stop thinking like that?

The hell do you think, she just went to heaven for a weekend trip?

avatar0810 15

Maybe she wouldn't have felt they were old enough and he feels like it would be disrespectful to her.

Sometimes I ask myself why there are blunt, illogic and witty comments on here.

xoconnie 8

15 pleaseee use common sense fool! they just mean the bfs reasoning would make more sense if the mom died recently. DUH

Pufferfish78 5

I thought the same way shortly after my mom died even to the point where I wouldn't **********. I eventually got over that and my better half and I hump like bunnies. :)

cj7jeep 1

At least 34 gets it >_< Dratted thumbs down.

nachtfee 9

key word "recently," smart one.

I love how many thumbs down this got -- People can't be expected to read past five words.

RawrNom 0

awww. I can see that, give him a while? I got that that with peeing when I was like nine. god could see! I grew out of it aha.

Looks like someone is too young to have sex and the other is starting off young to have plenty of sex.

The people watching that would most likely be from the other place if you catch my drift.

And the next FML OP will post will go about how her boyfriend made another girl pregnant. Honestly, it's terrible that his mother died, but using that as an excuse for not making love shows us that he's not ready for sex yet. Or that he does want to have sex, but just not with you. Or even that he is completely honest, but in that case, your relationship will suffer because he hasn't deal with his mother's dead properly. Solution: talk to him.

You're a glass half empty kind of person, aren't you?

leemurcat 5

Your comments are always so disturbingly heartless. You should get help or something.

ReynshineCutting 10

If his mom just died recently, then of course he's not over it yet and there's absolutely nothing wrong with not having sex with your significant other when you're upset. If someone doesn't want to have sex, for whatever reason, their partner needs to respect that. That doesn't mean "they're not ready for sex", that means they don't want it right now which is totally normal. He may still be dealing with his mom's death (which it sounds like) and she should be supportive and help him however she can. The relationship won't suffer unless she's a selfish bitch.

But I still think it's a strange excuse. Maybe it's because I've never lost someone special, or because I don't believe in heaven, dunno. If he said that he didn't wanted sex because the dead of his mother caused too much pain, well, that's something I can understand. But if the death is the main reason or if there is something completely different, OP should talk to him, right? And I'm not disturbingly heartless, I'm just disturbingly rational. But I am indeed the glass half empty kind of person. That comment actually made me smile.

agoth 0

his mom kicked the bucket but there is something wrong with him if he doesn't want to have sex?

I always enjoy her comments. Don't understand how she got so many thumbs down.

Agoth, I think DjeePee's point was that the bf's excuse was in an odd place, not that he was in the wrong, from her point of view anyway.

Agree with 63. But really. If he doesn't want to have sex with you (either temporarily or even for the future) then he doesn't want to have sex with you. Your life isn't ****** for it. Just respect his feelings. Unless you're saying your life is ****** because the guy you want to screw believes in heaven -_-

gmc_blossom 21

I like reading DJeepee's comments. 0-0 I think she means that his reason makes no sense to her. Not everyone believes in Heaven, you know? I don't think people can see us from up "there". It's understandable if he didn't want to have sex because he was so torn up about the death, but because he was afraid his mom could see, not really a good reason(to some people.) 0-0

Nothing about that comment was rational. You are probably one of those people who makes ignorant comments, then acts like they actually know what the hell theyre talking about when they don't, and then everyone else goes behind their back and bitches about how annoying they are. Just my humble opinion. (gee this responce should be good...)

Nothing about that comment was rational. You are probably one of those people who makes ignorant comments, then acts like they actually know what the hell theyre talking about when they don't, and then everyone else goes behind their back and bitches about how annoying they are. Just my humble opinion. (gee this responce should be good...)

zuzupetalsYO 11

She sounds selfish, I mean she did put it on FML and all.

cheetahbud159 7
leemurcat 5

I don't believe in heaven or anything like that. But I still respect other people's opinions, and if they believe in it I won't put them down for it. I've lost people who were important to me and I think not believing made it hurt worse, the finality of it. If I was grieving I probably wouldn't want to have sex either. He might actually believe she could be watching him from "up there" and he deserves to be able to mourn. I'm sure he'll get over it soon enough.

DCFan 9

Well I guess it's better than his mom watching from hell.

he must be real devoted to her, then. its not that bad... except for this situation, of course...