By myasshurts - 14/10/2011 23:03 - United States

Today, while lying in bed with my boyfriend after some steamy lovemaking, he sat up, slapped my ass with excruciating force, and screamed, "I AM THE THUNDER!" directly into my ear. It seems our senses of humor differ considerably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 736
You deserved it 6 665

Same thing different taste


Naomimi_fml 6

Unless you're into that sort of thong?

enonymous 8

at least he spanked u :) I love it wen I get spanked

wakadalhadaf 4

You should've said "and i am the lightning"!!!!!!!!

Naomimi_fml 6

*thing, damn. Or thong. however he'll have it.

#34: Your profile picture makes me want to punch my iPhone in the face... No offense

btnhdude 0

54, but his picture of her makes me giggle like a little girl.

laurbear12 3

34 looks like Justin Bieber haha

Says the guy with the Bieber haircut, LOL irony at its best.

54 you look like Justin Bieber, so uhm yeah.

The_Troller 14

Derp derp that's because it is

Am I the only one who's reminded of that Selena Gomez song "I am the thunder and you are the lightning" EVERYTHING COMES NATURALLY IT COMES NATURALLY bAbY BaBy

vergaso 0

No dk... We are not all homosexual 5 year olds

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

28- I would channel Thor any day of the week. Thor: "This mortal body grows in my pants, I need substance!" Me: (pushes three fat women over and excitedly jumps up and down while raising hand) "Pick me!!!" .... Excuse me, I am going to go watch some midgets dressed like Thor getting it on...

Imma girl.... And if youd read my info you would no i look nothing like this unless i under went some major not needed surgery... And a haircut...

Did he cum with the thunder?? Sounds like it!!

**** yes. I unintentionally made a good comment.

I don't think most people get his joke... He is the thunder because he came 2nd.

I would have found that funny...maybe not the yelling in the ear part.

THUNDER, Thunder, THUNDER! ThunderCats Ho!!!

can we also assume that he is lighting fast?

Llama_Face89 33

101 gets the bonus points for the ACDC reference :)

watch the ballad of truck thunders on YouTube it'll make this FML a lot funnier.

Why do you even waste time posting this comment If all you're going to say is haha..

Oh god... Some people.... And how exactly did you end up with him? :/

They probably went out a couple of times, grew fond of each other, either one asks the other if they wanted to be in a relationship, either one agrees and here we are now?

Well how do u end up with a girl? If u follow any of the old testament u can catch a mate :P haha

That wasn't even remotely funny. It wasn't stupid or witty, just completely pointless.

Boy meets girl. Boy clubs girl over the head. Boy drags girl back to his man cave. Boy is the thunder.

atleast he has a sense of humor..if it is really that big of deal to you, let him know.


Buttsexpirate 9

Haha. Wow. The first thing I thought of when I read this was Justin bieber. :/

Llama_Face89 33

Thunder! Thunder! ThunderCATS hooo!


CheeseOnTheSide 3

wow. I'm surprised he didn't scream out 'I GOT THE POWER!' or 'I GOT THE MAGIC IN ME!'

shrimp1234 4

I like how she said, steamy love-making. but you had sex with him do you had a taste for the thunder, what's so bad about this?