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By Anonymous - 28/11/2011 03:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that vaginal, oral, and anal sex are starting to get boring. Let's just say that my armpit is now drenched in lube. I'm afraid of what he's going to want to try once he gets bored of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 337
You deserved it 10 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that does suck, but why would you let him do that in the first place ??

maybe ear sex? once you go black, you go deaf


Coacy 6

Armpit fetish? I thought I was the only one!

enonymous 8

I prefer nostril sex. Nothing like it

enonymous 8

It's not thin... Just really cold outside...

GoodLookingGeese 10

Hey 41 - than wasn't nice! Since 4 yours we have to look with a microscope..

Have you ever used a microscope before? I mean you'd have to have the penis amputated to even look at it through the microscope lol.

65- actually, you wouldn't need to amputate it exactly you'd just need to put it in the right spot. But what do I know I use them every day and don't experiment. Er umm, never mind

70 has the technique down pat. Much much practice... Maybe not every day, every 2nd Perhaps

I myself really dig jamming it in the belly button that's why outies are so unsexy

dcg1375 7

I thought after regular, oral, and anal next came boobs. I would've never thought armpit next.

larry12693 1

you know what they say about ear sex though.... once you go black... you go deaf

haha yeh exactly, what happened to boobs? or are they too small? if so that sucks

jackgoldstein 5

Am I the only one who notices that she is using present tense?

zurisbloodyrose 0

I totally agree, there is nothing like a nice tight belly button. So hot. :P

OP should use icyhot in place of lube next time, haha!

lol there's a chatroulette troll who got some kid goood,....the troller pretended to be a girl and acted like his knee was a Vag 0.o

My 4th option was always a good solid titty-****.

Islander_fml 5

"Oh my God!! You're doing it.... IN THE EAR!!!!" ~Lois Griffin

Wow that does suck, but why would you let him do that in the first place ??

m0tl3ycru3 0

You can't say you don't like it untill you try it.

bamagrl410 31

How is your boyfriend tired of sex? He's male. And with 3 different options, I would think he'd be content. Am I missing something here?

19, he isn't tired of sex, otherwise he wouldn't be having sex with her armpit. He finds all the other not-armpit related positions boring, so clearly, he isn't content. The only thing I'm wondering right now is whether the OP truely wants this. If she's completely into this weird stuff, then there isn't the slightest problem. If she doesn't like it at all, well, maybe it's time for her to respect her boundaries and rethink about this relationship. Before she get a foot in her ass.

Come find me I won't get tired of anything. And I promise not to armpit **** you lol

Or 58, she could say "no" text time. She isn't his sex slave and can have boundaries, but not EVERYTHING has to result in people breaking up. This site is brutal for the suggestions and I've seen you recommend it like 50 times.

Based on this guy's track record, chances are she's had a foot in her ass already. I still don't understand how you get bored of oral, vag and anal, though...good stuff....

19 - Wonderful logic there. He's male, therefore he can't not want sex.

87, then you certainly must mistake me for someone else, because I only suggest the OP to dump his/her partner when I think it's the best solution. And to be honest, in this case, I think it is. I think her boyfriend is way to egocentric to deal properly with a 'no' from her side.

cradle6 13

104, I disagree. He's not egocentric. I think OP is too insecure about the relationship to tell her boyfriend that she's uncomfortable. She wants to make him happy at the expense of her own well being. Just my own speculation.

Frankly, 104, you cannot know what the best solution is because you don't know OP or her boyfriend or anything more than a blurb posted online about a situation taken out of context. So you don't need to be the relationship guru telling people whether or not to rethink their situation. No one here asked for that and while you're free to post what you want, the 'break up' solution in the real world would be a cop out.

'I think OP is too insecure about the relationship to tell her boyfriend that she's uncomfortable. She wants to make him happy at the expense of her own well being. ' I was also thinking of this, but the sentence: "my boyfriend decided" made me believe he is egocentric. The OP doesn't say: "Today, my boyfriend was tired of blablabla, so we decided to do blablabla", no, it looks like it's actually the boyfriend who decides what they're going to do. And while the OP should have spoken up for herself, it is much more easy to do so if your partner asks about your opinion, which I don't think her boyfriend did. And if your partner always plays the boss, it will be very difficult to stand up for yourself, because he isn't used to it. Therefore, my 'rethink about the relationship' (heck, rethinking =/= dumping) makes perfect sense. 146, I'm sorry, but the 'you're free to post whatever you want' and 'but you cannot post this' just doesn't go together.

bamagrl410 31
viticomanuel 0

Have I ever gotten penetrated in ur life?

EvilCupcake8361 9

Wow, not sure how it gets boring but I'm sorry your boyfriend is looking for new places to do you in. Give him a foot job or something

Maybe they do it in the same positions every time they have sex so he gets bored of it.

I came here to ask if op was looking for suggestions.

JinxosGirl87 0

I think he should stick to his hand if he's only looking to get himself off, selfish prick :|

JennyBear101 0

One word for this girl: ewwwww

I'm thinking he's gay.. just bc those aren't doing it for him

maybe ear sex? once you go black, you go deaf

bossroyd 4

OP should dump her boyfriend before he gets bored of her.

Please, ear sex is amateur, nose sex is the shit

Yeah give him a taste of his own medicine!

bitchslapped22 14

Yeah, get a huge ass strap on and **** him in the ass with it.

da_baddest_2011 0

Leg sex? Inner arm sex? Hmm the possibilities r endless lol

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Pretty sure two isn't endless.

There are only so many places on the human body where you can stick a penis. The possibilities have an end.

witchdoctor1 9

Yea. The possibilities are endless. And so are the stupid comments

201 -- it makes it easier for her to smell yo' dick. |the kid|

fluffy_nuggets 0

Don't shave your armpits and see how long he's into that position. Wait, never mind it's seems like he'd be into that also... 0.o

Or shave it!! He'll enjoy the stubble rubbing on his **** head!!!

I found an old Joy of Sex in my parents' house. It recommended underarm sex. It was from the 70s and the drawings showed a woman completely untouched by razor.

Epikouros 31

#56 - Good thinking! That's why I try not to shave the morning before giving a *******. If a guy is not too sensitive, a bit of sandpaper will drive him wild.

That's ermmm............................. Imaginative

angeie7 6

hmm this is interesting... i would be asking questions though lol

TKmax 5

Like why would you post a comment like this.

Twisted_Angel 17

Maybe instead of letting him hump different parts of your body which clearly aren't going to leave you satisfied, you should just find a new boyfriend that knows how to make regular sex fun by trying to positions now and then.

Exactly. It's pretty ******* selfish on his part. OP, it's not all about him.