Great idea
By anonymous - 22/03/2012 04:46 - United States - Chelsea

By anonymous - 22/03/2012 04:46 - United States - Chelsea
By Anonymous - 27/11/2017 06:00
By Anonymous - 03/06/2022 12:00
By -_- - 13/08/2011 00:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/05/2023 00:00
By miiiiilk - 05/12/2010 11:12 - United States
By alltern8ive - 09/11/2009 05:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 17:34 - Canada
By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 04:10 - Canada
By wow babe - 19/11/2012 17:46 - United States - Arnold
By Anonymous - 24/10/2017 06:00
That's hot
he must be a badass to hold whiskey in his mouth that long...he was probably just trying to test the jackass theory in your vag. did you get drunk??
Damn, I was going to say the same thing lol I gave you a thumb up for beating me to it :P
The were getting hot and heavy
That's not Johnny Cash meant when he sang "Ring of Fire"
Burn baby burn!
I see the word hot and on fire and I straight away thought of the super hot racy wild sweaty all night long sex sessions... Straight turn on. I think op's boyfriend would be stoked as he would think setting op's genitals on fire was a compliment. ON FIRE BABY! Woaahhhhh psssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh
That's my catch phrase
Am I the only one who read whiskers?
If its hot take off all your clothes
Was he trying to send a message?
Reminds me of a prank call a friend made. She said 'THERE'S A FIRE IN MY PUSSY!!! HELP!!!'
NO just no
I hope it really happened to her. Thats not something you joke about..
#2 I believe that's from jerky boys.
I know the Jerkey Boys, my dad are friends with them
Only in Michigan can this happen.
F*ck you im from Michigan
I'm from Michigan too, that's how I know it can happen.
And if OP had posted from Texas, you would have said 'only in Texas can this happen.' Or if it were Maine, or Arizona, and so on and so on....
Burn baby burn.
Thumbs down. For the duck face in your profile pic.
Thumbs down for the pop tart cat
Better than nyan cat. Man that's annoying! Ignore him 4 you somehow manage to pull off the duckface, your profile picture is basically a miracle!
Lol u have commented on almost every recent fml here
Pussy inferno
We have a craptastic cat that craps rainbows, a duck, a fan meeting obama, and a murderer in this comment thread. Seems legit.
For someone who never drank whiskey you should have known it burns. If it burns down your throat it would burn down there
"For someone who never drank whiskey, you should know . . ." Yes. OP should have read the label tattooed on her boyfriend's forehead, 'WARNING: Do not receive oral sex from anyone who retains whiskey in the mouth.'
Maybe your genitals are scratched.
Or maybe her boyfriend went down on her with whiskey in his mouth like the FML says.
Wow judging by what you said and how u look I'm goin to say u have never gotten any
yeah...I'm a virgin, so ain't the only thing nor the most important thing in life. And yeah, considering I've never licked genitals or been drunk, I had no idea it would burn being on the flesh down there in itself....I more saw it almost like it is when you have a small cut and don't know until you use soap in the bathtub
50 - Dude that's beat up. Why are you going to be like that, some people haven't had sex, some people don't drink. So what? Get over yourself.
And you never even thought this would sting? I fell that you allowed him to do this knowing there was whiskey in his mouth.
You prob got wasted though...
That's hot
Only in Michigan can this happen.