By Judy69 - 07/04/2012 07:04 - United States - Dekalb

By Judy69 - 07/04/2012 07:04 - United States - Dekalb
By unwantedlove - 25/02/2011 18:36 - France
By Anonymous - 27/11/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By Djcc - 21/02/2012 18:03 - United States
By erjazo - 31/12/2013 21:19 - United States - Morris
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 19:46 - United States
By sarajj - 29/03/2013 21:36 - United States - Littleton
By lalala - 22/12/2011 17:26 - United Kingdom
By RIP - 30/10/2024 22:00 - United States
By happyasaclam - 19/02/2009 00:55 - United States
By Chad - 30/08/2024 14:00 - Belgium
His first accomplishment in life.
Well I am 16th! HAHA I rule! I can add this to my CV as one of my life accomplishments!
"The guy you like," meaning he wasn't your boyfriend? ****.
Was it ****. And before you start calling me dumbass think about it maybe he was watching to pick up a few tips.
^you sound like you get plowed by people you're not even going out with, too.
37- If you think OP is a ****, do you also classify the guy she likes a **** too? Because he was also planning on having sex with her. It's a two way street.
Pretty judgemental for a dirty old uncle!
Guys, just quiet down. I Bang your Big Theories anyways.
Why turn off the TV? You can multi-task can't you? ;)
MA "boyfriend" can be just as much of a stranger as the guy you like. I've liked guys I've known for many years. I've had a boyfriend I'd only known for a month. And vice versa. Don't judge OP. Sex means different things to different people and there's nothing wrong with that. :)
*A Not "MA"
TiVo or DVR; look into either one OP, then he'll have no excuse not to give it up. Seriously though, what a little bitch...
And by bitch, I do mean the boyfriend, not the girl. Just thought that might have needed clarifying...
It was JOKOY
It was definately ****
I was about to write " probably adventure time" XD
That must be a really good show.
He was probably watching Neds Declassified School Survival Guide
Or he was watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My little pony: friendship is magic > Sex
... That boy is NOT worth your time.
It depends on what he was watching!
This made me think of show girls on internet chat rooms
Even better than show you were about to give him? I don't think so. His loss!
I know right!
On your profile it says you have 0 confirmed.
A friend of mine told me that if the TV was on he would last longer, it could be a possibility here also
I agree, its just typical man stuff >.>
I think that thinking about things things other than sex can during intercourse can help men last longer. Don't quote me on that, though.
I should ask him that lol
Blazing fast Internet and TV > you. Sorry.
Must have been a pretty damn good show, .______.
this is when you start putting on a show ;)