By bruisedego31 - 12/09/2012 21:58 - United States - Chicago Heights

By bruisedego31 - 12/09/2012 21:58 - United States - Chicago Heights
By GonnaGetFired - 31/03/2010 00:11 - United States
By tequilashot - 20/09/2016 04:40 - Brazil - Porto Alegre
By Anonymous - 17/04/2013 15:25 - United States
By ash203 - 12/12/2009 21:38 - United States
By j - 01/03/2011 06:26
By Anonymous - 09/07/2016 15:14
By Anonymous - 08/02/2020 18:00
By anon - 07/02/2010 00:28 - United Kingdom
By Holymoly - 14/01/2009 21:10 - Netherlands
By person - 20/09/2015 23:57 - United States - League City
Now you know to slow it down between drinks.
How can getting this drunk be fun? It can't be. You forget all the fun you had with really sexy people. Never over do it OP. It's no fun not remembering. Especially when you may or may not have been with a really got girl.
10 - I agree completely. I'm not one of those absolutists that say "never drink", but I firmly believe that you need to find your limit and stick within it. If you get drunk to the point of memory impairment, something is wrong with your self control.
I couldn't find a single definition that says a rumor HAS to be false. OP got so drunk he can't remember if the rumor is true or not.
Walk up to her and say, "Does this look familiar?", then drop your pants.
Nah just ask to hang out with her and it'll happen again, and this time you can do it properly
My favorite comment on Fml so far!
I bet you were a stallion, man! Orally satisfied her, rocked her world in several positions, and brought her to numerous orgasms. ummm... except you were drunk, so what really happened is you only got to half mast, came as you put the condom on, threw up on her bed and tripped over her cat as you tried to get to the bathroom. Well done.
Being drunk and came fast? I really doubt that.
Incidentally, the latter part of your comment is a fairly accurate description of how I spend most of my weekends, Challan. Or so I'm told. I dance to my own tune - it's who I am. I accept myself, and in that I find no shame.
15- I find the admittance of such things refreshing and quite awesome. Almost enough to give you my number. Almost. 26- For some, whiskey dick can limit the sensation and make it hard to cum, indeed. However, Op will never know which way his went, and I was hoping mine, for the sake of the co-worker. Bad sex can only be topped by long bouts of bad sex.
I can never understand why people get so drunk that they don't remember things... what's the fun of that?
Maybe it never happened. Just walk up to her and ask her if she could help you remember by hooking up after work tonight.
That's why it's called a rumor, it never really happened.
You should try talking to her OP.. Say hi, ask her if she wanted to go for a coffee or something. Then.. BOW CHIKA BOW WOW!! *rawrr!* ;D
Walk up to her and say, "Does this look familiar?", then drop your pants.
I bet you were a stallion, man! Orally satisfied her, rocked her world in several positions, and brought her to numerous orgasms. ummm... except you were drunk, so what really happened is you only got to half mast, came as you put the condom on, threw up on her bed and tripped over her cat as you tried to get to the bathroom. Well done.