Manly man

By thelistman - 13/11/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my girlfriend made me shave my chest. Afterwards, she said I looked like I was 12. She won't have sex with me until it grows back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 397
You deserved it 5 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life is really ****** because you're pussy whipped. Your girlfriend "MADE" you shave your chest. I bet if you reach between your legs you wouldn't even feel your'd need to rummage threw her purse and find them to feel those babies now boy. And sadly, even after she "MADE" you preform for her, you still phailed... and she cut you off anyway. This is why your life is ******'s not your naked chest, which no doubt she'll make fun of with her friends and probably her mother and then tell your friends about and never let you live down. You should reclaim your junk, pack you stuff and get the **** out before you're forced to wear her panties and bra for her amusement.


bugmenotmofo 34

at least you know your gf is not a pedo...

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sex IS an important part of a relationship jeez! they might have sex on a pretty regular basis, so to stop having sex until the hair grows back, would totally suck! OP, i dunno wtf is up with your gf pullin that stunt on ya.

1) It's about his girlfriend saying he should do something... and after he does it she 'punishes' him. 2) What you're describing is called "Just a friend".

ChiPandaNeko 0

Second that but not the exact post I would comment this on

3- the point isn't that he isn't having sex it is because she was enough of a bitch to make him do something then punish him for it.

Your life is really ****** because you're pussy whipped. Your girlfriend "MADE" you shave your chest. I bet if you reach between your legs you wouldn't even feel your'd need to rummage threw her purse and find them to feel those babies now boy. And sadly, even after she "MADE" you preform for her, you still phailed... and she cut you off anyway. This is why your life is ******'s not your naked chest, which no doubt she'll make fun of with her friends and probably her mother and then tell your friends about and never let you live down. You should reclaim your junk, pack you stuff and get the **** out before you're forced to wear her panties and bra for her amusement.

Step 1, when the hair grows back, cut her off.

he shaved because he wanted to try to please her, havent you ever heard of doing something for someone? its not his fault his gf is being an ass

G0v3nat0r 7

4- you're saying people in a relationship should not do nice things for each other?

And you're a bitch. Maybe he isn't whipped and was trying to be nice

perdix 29

The good news is your chest hair will grow back. The bad news is that your girlfriend says she is now into eunuchs.

Break up with her. She sounds like a controlling bitch.

thenixter 0

lol @ 6 :P but yea OP you definetly don't need someone like that...