By Seriously - 15/06/2011 16:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/03/2016 21:17 - United States - Fremont
By Anonymous - 11/10/2015 04:20 - Canada - Edmonton
By Anonymous - 09/07/2016 04:09
By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 15:48 - United States - Bedminster
By JT - 12/04/2011 14:19 - Canada
By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07
By Anonymous - 09/12/2014 21:14 - United States - Margate City
Dreaming big
By ReyRey - 24/03/2022 12:00
Fortress of solitude
By Anonymous - 29/08/2022 18:00
Sounds like he's got it all figured out
By Anonymous - 10/04/2022 16:00
Top comments
Someone's read about trolls a bit too much
Your son definitely has his priorities in line!
trolls live under bridges...
and the kid said he wanted to live under a bridge
lol thanks 12
it's not trolls. he prob wrote that to b funny
He's reaching... all the good bridges are taken. IF He's lucky he will get a refrigerator box in the wettest part of town and will have at least 3 mortgages on that box. Us senior retirement bums with the "Vietnam Vet" and "Why lie? it's for beer" signs have first dibs on those under bridge properties.
it was just a joke. when i was 12 i wanted to be known as the ejaculator. btw im kidding but dont worry kids say stupid stuff
And you're going to let him live his life unemployed?! As his Mum you should be supporting him & helping him with his future!
93- Or a bum under a bridge, like in his plans.
great FML reference. ur my new favorite fmler
TIP: Stop breast feeding him
The son was likely joking, and being a brat.
Obviously the kid was kidding. You should be glad that your kid is funny.
You called?
let da boy creep on dem wemen n buss off on dem in da alle's...
Schooooool. Graaaammar.. leeeeaarn..
more like fhl, you as a mother is a terrible ******* influence on your poor son. what do u do to him? force him to admire hobos (HOmeless BOyboys), get slutty with his 12 year old classmates, and do all the drugs out there?!? it's like 'son, I want you to experience the world so here's a handful of pills to go blow off that steam from the hardships of elementary school. Oh, and don't forget to share! sharrrrring is good!!'
So just because a kid says something stupid as a joke, he has a bad parent? if I stood up in the middle of a 4 way intersection and yelled **** THE POLICE as a joke (not gonna happen) that automatically means my parents condone violence and drug use?
This. Be proud of your pint-sized smartass.
relax OP, he just wants to fall in your footsteps
lmao that sucks
81 yeah but hoping that you're no isn't helpful. -Mr.SassyPants
91- Wait... what?
98 I meant not. Sorry 8)
Oh, it's amazing how one letter can make a world of difference.
when i first read your username i thought it said "mrs. assy-pants"
150 I know... I know. I try to out my signature at the end for people would know but... I don't know where I'm going with this, whatever.
thats sad :( i hope someone motivates him into trying hard and being successful!
Maybe he becomes a successful unemployed?
Yeah, true. There is only one person that I know of who could be a bad student, live with his parents until they kick him out, be unemployed while living underneath a bridge, and still turn out to eventually be a gigantic success no one could have imagined. And a highly doubt that the dumbass in OP's FML will be the next Kurt Cobain.
*I highly doubt
or maybe he'll become that hobo that chases you for 6 city blocks with a knife!
oh come on he was just trying to be funny. when I was his age we were supposed to do one of those "dress up like what you want to be" days; I dressed up like a bum and went around all day begging for change in school (from which I made around $10). now I'm going to medical school. he's going through a wise-ass phase. it happens to all the good kids.
lol dont hate cause u dont have one
KatrinaKitten; how about you stop being a bitch? She didn't ask for your stuck up opinion on her, so don't give it.
well actually shes right, she has a moustache
no sh*t iluvnba, now continue with the cat fight :)
40 actually I you notice not all of people on here ask for an opinion for other people to give it. Also it's not an opinion, sadly, it's a fact.
I don't care whether she has a mustache or not, people don't need to be bitches for no reason.
I agree with Jess too. Katrina needs to get a life she might "not like people" but there's no need to be a bitch but I'm sure it makes Katrina feel confident so whatever helps her sleep at night. people these days.
102 well they are basically just doing the same as you which is commenting. I'm not fighting for trolls but just saying if you say they have nothing better to do then you commenting is suing the same thing. They're just being mean while commenting. Ironically, I am actually just commenting because I have nothing better to do. 8)
113 yuppies! Also I randomly said suing because of auto-correct but just ignore that. 8)
116 I don't know how to reply but I don't want to be rude and leave you with no message even though I probably eventually am. I didn't want to put a smiley face and have a smiley face contest. 8) Also if OP somehow reads this, hopefully you help you kid improve. Meow! (=^_^=)
um did her profile pic get moderated? :/
Don't underestimate twelve year olds. They're all over the internet now, y'know.
Ambitious much? Don't worry, 12-years olds think they're simply amazing, and he probably thought it was hilarious.
Yeah OP don't sweat it - he probably thinks he's even funnier because you're freaking out about it.
I'm 20 and still think that it is hilarious...
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :p
Newtons apple of course, but 147 doesn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation
I think he means the apple ipad
isn't that fascinating
cool story, bro tell me another
bums are friendly (most of them)
ahahaha now stop copying southpark.
77 actually he is referencing another FML. 71 or chasing him down the street with a knife. I also I just notice I usually reference other FML's that deal with knifes. :/ DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!
Let's just hope he isn't a druggie as well.
children are a map of their parents
Live under a bridge? Is he trying to be a troll to stop the goats from passing? Haha, and what have you been letting him watch and do?
This is why children shouldn't be allowed to watch Dora:)

Someone's read about trolls a bit too much
Ambitious much? Don't worry, 12-years olds think they're simply amazing, and he probably thought it was hilarious.