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By Heartbroken - 20/06/2011 02:17 - United States

Today, I spent 2 hours making the perfect card for my dad for Father's Day. When I handed it to him, he smiled and said "Thank you" and then killed a fly with it. I found it in the trash a couple of hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 381
You deserved it 4 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

89_Sparkly 7

I bet if it had a naked chick on it he wouldn't have thrown it away, mind you it'd probably be really awkward.


89_Sparkly 7

****** dad is a grade asshole asshole. Wise up and don't bother making one! Give him deodorant next fathers day if needed.

he threw it because it was hand-made !! Next time just go buy one from a store !

Termites 15

That means it's time to kill him and collect the insurance money.

flockz 19

how come everything is mysteriously getting ruined by the deaths of flies? O.o

BelleElle_fml 5
boyguydudemalema 0

At least he used it. Instead of throwing it straight up.

Idonebeenhad 17

Unrelated - but did the Fml about the triplets get deleted? If so, **** YOU MODS!

gabe2014 0

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

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theten_fml 9

a dead fly should go in the trash

:( the best thing you can give to a parent is something hand made with love and time - I'm so sorry to hear he threw it out :(

That doesn't mean jack a-hole! The writer was being nice by making it by hand, not from a retail store or anywhere else! So STFHU!

why are you looking through the trash? who takes 2 hours on a father's day card? I'm calling fake

moderated for telling the truth? that's not on, this is clearly fake cause who takes 2 hours on a fathers day card? and why would OP be looking through the trash?

A gift should be about the person you give the gift to. Does your dad care about cards normally? Very few men do. Does he keep cards around usually? Look around, it should be easy to spot. Chances are: you gave him a boring gift which he didn't enjoy, and you spent no time thinking about the kind of gift he would like. So now he had to pretend to be happy about a piece of cardboard and probably had to put up with a moping daughter as well. Next time you want to give a gift to someone (anyone) think about what they would like to receive. Learn what they like to do, what kind of music they enjoy, whether there is something they'd like to have but for some reason don't want to spend money on. With that knowledge you'll be able to pick a gift which they won't just have to pretend to like.

starrysky4 0

yeah....that's why I just buy store cards. and then do something really nice that he can't throw away

I bet if it had a naked chick on it he wouldn't have thrown it away, mind you it'd probably be really awkward.

If it took 2 hours it better have had some pop-ups. An if it did, it go go with your idea with the lady. Would go right to his bedroom.

1215116a 14

Its would be awkward because with a naked women card because Op is a girl. XD

1215116a 14
richard121212 0

well that's some dad of yours

xPsYcHO_KILLa_x 0

aww shucks put money in it then when he throws it out say there was money but now its too late

IWarnedYou 0
grafixxx687 0

i live overseas so i texted my dad at 7.30am to make sure i wished him b4 any of my sisters..i wrote him a nice long msg about how i miss the days he used to call me his little princess n to me he is the best dad in the world..i didnt call cz he was sleeping..i called him a few hrs later but no 8.30pm i got a rlly mean text from my dad sayin it only takes a few seconds to txt n wish him..i said i had done..i was the first one..n just to prove it i resent the txt but he didnt believe me DESPITE the time stamp clearly written nxt to the txt..he thought i wrote it just then..he called me a liar n hung up on me which hurt my feelings alot n i did cry..i cried like crazy

Shadow_Phantom 26

If you typed everything like that, maybe he didn't want to read it. (Though it's still a jerkass move...)

8, you mean 'would have'? There's no such phrase as 'would of'.

thats a dick move right there .. i woulda balled .

GLiTTeRz 0

omfg I hate grammar Nazis. get over the spelling. your a troll.

grafixxx687 0

well it was a medium sized msg..not one line and not 10 paragraphs

Haha my dad did that with the card I gave him, but he killed a fat ass spider

i do the same with cards i get......... though i hate to say this, in the world we live in we won't need much other than money and cards and things end up cluttered and sort of a nuisance, next time get him a gas gift card ^_^

skidoo800HO 2 least he said thank you...