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By rkbkate - 11/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Phenix City

Today, my brother was playing with the pepper spray on my key chain. He didn't think it was real, so to test it he sprayed me in the mouth while I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 536
You deserved it 2 879

rkbkate tells us more.

rkbkate 6

This was my post thanks for all the comments guys Haha my brother has a rude awakening coming soon Haha and he is no longer able to touch my keys.

Top comments

Your revenge is simple. While he sleeps, spray his balls.

Damn! What a rude awakening! Is he still alive. I'm cranky as hell if woken up normally! I would have to plot my revenge very carefully...


He didn't even put it on a steak first?

I know me saying this doesn't make it any better BUT at least he didn't spray it in your eyes. FYL.

sarahlove281 4

Well, it is essentially a food product. If Megyn Kelly says it, it's gotta be true.

aleeshttylXD 9

#11, OP was sleeping though...

Spray your brother in the eyes while he's taking a shit. If he asks why you did that, tell him it's because you wanted to see if it was real.

#27, while the pepper extracts used in pepper spray are natural, additives such as UV die are in the final product and are not for consumption.

#65- what if you want a nice even tan on your bowels?

#85, the UV die is so the police can identify an attacker up to 48 hours after being sprayed using a black light. What you said makes absolutely no sense. Have you been drinking pepper spray by any chance? ;-)

100- I was referring to the UV side of the dye, I do know that it would not tan you, I was merely making a connection between this and the UV rays from the sun that tan and burn your skin, I made a fail at a pun. And no, I know that shit burns, I did I course to join the 5-0. Not that silly. Haha

BunchieRules 31

22 - OP could probably see, because s/he was sprayed in the mouth. But I agree that pepper spray would be a horrible way to wake up. OP, FYL. Your brother should have sprayed it in his own mouth if he wanted to "test" it, but he obviously didn't want to take the risk.

talking about that shit burns, as a pay back, OP should pepper spray the toliet papers before your brother takes a shit next time, and make you contain the damage yo your brother alone

Damn! What a rude awakening! Is he still alive. I'm cranky as hell if woken up normally! I would have to plot my revenge very carefully...

Inheritance 10

Reminds me of that Tosh.O episode..

rkbkate 6

haha he's barely awake i was ready to beat him to death when i woke up.

I don't care who you are, pepper spray = pain. Hopefully your brother learned not to mess with things like that.

No 13 you can be Batgirl and I will be Batman. :D As for Op I know how that shit tastes and i feel bad for you.

jake3292 5

Unless your Chuck Norris. The only pain Chuck Norris experiences is other people's.

KiddNYC1O 20

Pepper spray thinks he's painful... He is the most interesting man in the world. Stay thirsty, my friends...

JKr3slEMO 5

4-is it wrong that whenever I read one of your comments, I read it in a high British voice because of the pic..? cos if it is, then I never did...

yoyoyolol08 5

But better in your mouth, than your eyes

Listerinekiss_fml 7

I'm not so sure if that's better since all that stuff is connected it would definitely induce vomiting, convulsions, blurred vision, and disorientation so it's just about the same if not worse.

... He wasn't talking about pepper spray anymore.

I was replying to number 37, they seemed quite dense and dumbfounded on the issue.

No that shit hurts in your mouth. It contracts your lungs so you can't breath

That's just pure evil.. It is time to kick his little ass!

xXxIracebethxXx 14

What if her littler brother is actually fat with a huge butt? :O

Christ. Brings a whole new meaning to warning someone to watch their mouth.

TheDrifter 23

No kidding, pepper spray has to be top 5 on the "worst things to catch your brother putting in your mouth while you sleep" list.

so what are the other four? I'm guessing penis is one of them.

"Pepperspray? That sounds delicious!" *spray* "Aaaa! I was wrong! I was horribly, horribly wrong!"

Do it back to him in his sleep, at least he will know it really is real.

Sucks you had to be the involuntary test subject.

Sucks you had to be the involuntary test subject. What'd he think it was? Sour candy spray?

CantusVulpis 12

My friend took some to school and said it was sour candy spray. So my other friend sprayed it towards the floor in front of me when she wasn't looking and then I started choking. It was definitely pepper spray.