By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 06:24 - France

Today, and ever since I was born, I've had a lazy eye. This morning my boyfriend broke up with me. He thought it was funny to state that we just weren't looking at life in the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 655
You deserved it 3 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

That's a great line. It's too bad he didn't save it for when he had a good opportunity to use it. Something like: "Where's my keys?" "Right there in front of you on the table." "Oh I can't believe I missed that." "I guess we just aren't looking at things in the same way."


why are you complaining? if he's that much of an ass why would you stay?

her lazy eyed ass doesn't have a very good outlook when it comes to attracting guys lol

He sounds funny, that's why she liked him, assumably

sierracn97 5

well at least he accepts you for who you are

FYLDeep 25

That's a great line. It's too bad he didn't save it for when he had a good opportunity to use it. Something like: "Where's my keys?" "Right there in front of you on the table." "Oh I can't believe I missed that." "I guess we just aren't looking at things in the same way."

theten_fml 9

how long did it take you to think of that?

percawesome 0

6 what answer do you expect? "Aw yeah ya got me, I stewed on that for a good half hour"? Lol

FYLDeep 25

You know what nevermind. He probably was holding onto that line. I bet since he was breaking up he must have been like, "**** it, I got one chance left to say this."

takeapieandrun 9

Stop posting random shit. The FML before this one was about your boyfriend too, except you didn't break up.

lol #8, it's not the same person posting it! It's selected by the Skins Cast members today!

takeapieandrun 9

Yes! I got moderated! Thanks for clearing that up btw.

6, not trying to start anything but that would have been a waste of the line too as that is also not funny...

FYLDeep 25

Wasn't going for something that funny. I was more trying to illustrate that he could have used that line as a response to something she said. It didn't make much sense just to day it in passing.

surferchick96 0
UpsidedownKayak 9

My eyes have gone cross reading that!

ull beh sahrry fer saiyan dat tu hurr. oh god that is challenging to do.

this "girl" (SkinsCastSelection) just translate stories from the french version of FML.