By pimples - 06/08/2011 13:08 - Australia
guitar_god7007 tells us more.
Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...
Top comments
Rub the pimple all over her face
Or tell her to get the eff over it...
32, im pretty sure sperm causes acne... Go watch the behind the scenes of pornos
draw pimples on her face when she is sleeping.
damn pimples.....
Damn. No telling what her reaction will be when she sees your genital warts.
i bet she was like: "your face, goddammit!"
did she proceed to bite your chin and have it pop in her mouth?
DENIED. Sucks for you OP. Lmao
"oh alright.. *squeezes the pimple, cleans the blood* ok.. good now??" lol
Proper hygiene, man, c'mon! But that really killed the mood, sorry OP, you're girlfriend should have been able to deal with a stupid pimple.
thumbs up if raywilliamjohnson brought yo- oh wait dis ain't youtube...
#202 acne has very little to do with "proper hygiene". its people with pimples that have the cleanest faces because they're the ones constantly cleansing and fussing over them. I know what it's like, trust me it's not fun
Maybe if you pop it she Can use it as lipgloss.
eww dude that's ****** naasty!!
What the hell dude ?
She sounds nice.
Hell yeah, who doesn't want a superficial bitch? Throw some water in her face and see the pimples she's probably hiding with makeup.
dude, this sounds like a phrase from Good Luck Charlie on Family Channel. lame.
get some neutrogena next time :D
Proactive ftw
Clearasil bitch.
I use sandpaper...
I use a belt sander
Dump the superficial b*tch.
Wow... ^^
Lol, sorry. Stupid IPhone. -.-
Because she wont kiss him because of one minor (or not i guess) pimple on his face. So basically she won't kiss him because she is a.) disgusted by it b.) cant deal with the idea of one imperfection on his face and feels the need to point it out. Meaning she wayy more focused on his pimple that his feelings for her
Yeah but this is the Internet if you don't poste that on something like yahoo answers you're gonna get insulted or thumbs downed
hahahaha you keep getting thumbed down :p
i feel your pain man... if she wouldnt let you kiss her coz of one pimple then id have no chance... my face is like a dot-to-dot
i know you did boners... would damage your rep if you let that one slide
ure? i think you mean you're
dude... you brought it up... i have no intention of being a grammer nazi
look im hardly the smartest guy on here .... im just saying if you're gonna correct people on stupid mistakes then you better be prepared to get the same back ... ok?
It is so hilarious watching people get worked up on this site. I love it, thanks for the show
they were so bad that i decided to save everyone from your stupidity and piss all over them ... your welcome guys
uhm..well i have a quick question...if your not gay then why is your username "gayboii"?
how many times do i need to answer this question? seriously... im not causing another scene over my username... so if anyone really needs to know they can pm me
that there be a troll, any way you look at it, you dont pick a name that draws attention, and deny thats why its your name, its just an attention move and clearly it works.
sorry! it was just a question! i didnt mean to offend you...or aggervate you..or whatever i seemed to do :p
ugh ok.... #193 im sorry that i overreacted.... its just my nickname at school ok.... can we move on now?
yesss. hahah.(:
ouch. dump her if she cant accept zits and pimples, im sure she has them too.
She probably regularly takes care of hers and stays clean, he should do the same for her
She might do that, but to say shes never had a zit or pimple is a lie.
I empathize with the OP....
And to 108 How do you know he doesn't treat his acne already?! Sure there's stuff that can be done to help reduce acne, but there's no product on the market that eliminates it completely. I really love how in those proactive commercials, they always show celebrities who already have virtually perfect skin naturally and then put make up on them, and then make a grandiose claim that their product will give you perfect skin just like Hayden Panettiere's. What a bunch of BS. If you were lucky enough to be born with perfect skin, good for you. But for most teens, acne is only a mildly treatable condition, and the OP's girlfriend (and you) sound like a snob.
damn pimples...
i feel your pain man... if she won't kiss you because of one pimple then id have no chance... my face is like a giant dot-to-dot

pop it in her face
Dump the superficial b*tch.