By pimples - 06/08/2011 13:08 - Australia

Today, I was going to kiss my girlfriend for the first time. As I leaned in, closed my eyes, and was about to kiss her, she pushed me away and said, "Not with that pimple on your chin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 494
You deserved it 6 669

guitar_god7007 tells us more.

Wow. It actually got through. Thanks people. Now everyone can laugh at my unfortunate existence. For those of you wondering, it was our first date, I had arranged it by phone, that's why I hadn't kissed her yet. And my pimples grow really big, really quickly...

Top comments


can't say I blame her? would you kiss a girl who had a big pimple?

dyble95 0

If she was my girlfriend then I would get over it (well actually I would not even care). It is just one pimple.

duckman9 55

if you really love the other person, I don't think something as superficial as a pimple should play any role in your decision whether to kiss her or not.

hatepineapple 14

There are people who actually care about pimples on OTHER people? Everyone I know only cares about their own, or just doesn't give enough of a shit regardless of who it is because it DOESN'T MATTER. My god I thought these people only existed on Disney sitcoms.

Tell her that pimple is not a disease and can't be spread.

green_eggs_and_h 0
ryanst 7

Proactiv made my skin better looking, but made my acne worse. Doctors prescription crap is much more effective.

12vballchick12 5

Ryanst - i lol'ed at ur profile pic! Haha

ryanst 7

I do hope you are talking about my old profile pic.

Ginkle45 1

**** blocked by your own face

I recommend Proactive. Haha, I'm just joking. You should've popped it in her face! :)

Tell her ass she can either kiss u, or hop in a kangaroo for a ride home

anarchywolf23 0

funny cause they're in australia

if she tries to kiss you next time do the same exact thing.

that's rude of her! op, maybe you should find a new girl..

MAXCAT1220 0

Hahahaha pop that shit in her mouth FTW