By sad - 30/03/2012 22:21 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I confided to my dad that my girlfriend had dumped me for another guy. He said, "Good" and explained that given how overpopulated the planet is, he's actually disappointed that I'm not gay. His advice was, "Just wank it off and move on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 633
You deserved it 3 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your dad is trying to tell you something. What that something is I don't know.

Thats every gay guy's dream dad right there.


I think your dad is trying to tell you something. What that something is I don't know.

brt3420 13

I think we got the father of the year right here!

Thats every gay guy's dream dad right there.

TheBonzaiGirl 0

If he thinks the world is overpopulated, then why the hell did he have kids?!

JocelynKaulitz 28
HopeLoveMusic 0

Not as bad as it is now probably.

I should probably take some Midol and zip my damn mouth before my pissy attitude goes too far. I really like Dane Cook. Snooki is my idol. Justin Bieber is my one true love. Glee... completes... me.

dominic1221 6

With a piss poor attitude like that, I'm not shocked. Take the advice, chika.

Oooh, oooh oooh, Sirin, Sirin! Can I give this guy a lobotomy? Pwease?

Fine, then i'll proceed to beat the Dumbass with the detachable Penis I won in a card game.

KRS_13 0

Am I the only one who doesn't get how 2's comment has anything to with the FML? Did I miss something?

Well #86, #2's comment was edited by the FML moderators. Usually it happens when some dumbass post "FIRST" or something ridiculous on the very first comments of the FML. Since #2 got banned and the post-edited comment mentioned her shutting up, along with the 2 first replies indicate that she posted something hurtful or homophobic/bigoted since the FML mentioned homosexuality. There, good enough for you?

Your problem is that no one likes you do you take it out on everyone else.

KRS_13 0

87- ohh I see. Well. That made me feel a little stupid xP

SupaHotFire 4

Tbh, as bad as advice it was, he's lived his life and if you follow it you're probably going to forget about her anyway because she didn't sound like a great person to begin with.

maxamus951852 3

This is exactly why i dont confide with my dad

xXxIracebethxXx 14

I don't see a problem, his advice was valid (I take it that he meant for his daughter not to dwell on her past relationship). And when I first read this FML, I was thinking 'can I get an amen!'.

I don't see a problem, his advice was valid (I take it that he meant for his daughter not to dwell on her past relationship). And when I first read this FML, I was thinking 'can I get an amen!'.

It would be very awkward for a dad to tell his daughter to "wank it off" haha.

There are just as many girls as there are guys in the world. You'll find someone!

aurorakitty 3

umm... don't want to look like a jerk here, but last i checked it was 106:100 boys to girls. He might not find a girl. But then again, he could go have an amazing life without the distraction. ...weird dad though. Kinda awesome but kinda weird.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

26 - That's why he said "just as many..." not the same exact amount.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Word problems weren't your best topic in math class, were they?

If you want to please him, find a nice girl who has uterus issues. Get married, adopt a child. :)

maybe it was his (misguided) way of making you feel better?

Airman1988 9

What he is trying to tell you is that Kleenex needs your business.