By jordyn173 - 08/04/2012 03:19 - United States - Oklahoma City
Same thing different taste
Play ball
By cavgirl - 12/04/2009 22:40 - United States
By dodgerkiss - 10/06/2009 06:38 - United States
…and then everyone clapped
By boobsnbaseball - 02/07/2021 05:59
Great prank ideas #47
By Anonymous - 02/09/2021 23:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/09/2011 04:15 - United States
By awkward. - 29/12/2012 15:50 - United Kingdom - Rickmansworth
Caught in 4K
By Shocked - 21/12/2023 09:00 - United States
By a man - 13/07/2013 13:20 - United States - Houston
By Anonymous - 18/06/2011 15:43 - United States
By rackman007 - 13/05/2009 23:26 - United States
Top comments
Not sure about you, but I'd dump his ass.
I would have made a scene
Totally! Kissing another girl, even though it's not a serious kiss and you're in the kisscam is just not ok!
I would have punched him on camera and them left. Trust me he would never forget that day.
On the other hand, maybe he was her ride home... :/
He wanted to give people a show for the kiss camera.. Just give them a show! Dump your drink on him.
65 - What?! Do you know how expensive those freaking drinks are at arenas?!

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Show it anyway90- What if the camera guy is ugly and a closet psychopath? OP could die! And then her ex has to get rid of the body.
Yeah 51, Because violence is cool.
Well the camera man kind of started it... Why should he get laid?
-40 I'm sure she could have found another way home, she shouldn't suck up just for a ride especially seeing that. -132 violence is cool in movies and when it's against people who flat out made a fool of you in public. I'm very sure his and her family both were watching, at least someone who will tell the others.
I would have leaned over and made it a three-way!
132- Being a douchebag doesn't exactly make you popular either.
No violence should've been involved, but OP needed to cause a scene on the cam so that everyone in the arena would know that he's a dirtbag.
Right on #3 if he could do that to you he doesn't deserve you ... If that was me i would've totally slapped his ass and left ;D
Definitly dump him
169- “Anyone who clings to the historically untrue -- and -- thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never solves anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler would referee. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor; and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.”
301- the figure heads you have mentioned used violence as a way to solve their problems, but nothing was solved wars were started and after the wars more problems were started (I.e more racism after hitlers reign.) not one of these men ever actually settled any problem, wars area out religion/beliefs etc. but we still argue over them every day because violence hasn't solved anything. Sure you can be a successful strategist for war but that doesn't mean you solved anything...
violence begets violence yet a passive nature hardly does any more or less to challenge violence. peaceful protests and passive marches beget violence as well. Wars are seldom won with diplomacy and the issues those wars are about only have diplomatic endings when one side suffers serious casualties
instead of kissing the other girl he should have kissed op to show his loyalty
This, that would have been the perfect response. She needs to dump him, disrespect like that in front of thousands of, just no.
You can thank me for that 666 :)
You know, I always wondered how the camera guy chooses who gets to kiss. That job must make it difficult not to want to abuse your power.
^Oh look, two bros enjoying a basketball game...
Oh look, two basketball players chilling on the bench! Pervy cameraman FTW.
Lmao it's like while the cam is on, the tololol song is playing! :D
Oh look, coaches arguing...
I said it once and I'll say it again.. 1-800-CHOKE-DAT-HOE
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Show it anywayI would have been like this bitch
252 if he had leaned over to kiss his girlfriend the camera would have followed him.

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Show it anywayWhat did his jerk do?
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Show it anyway#218, this makes absolutely no sense.

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Show it anywayMeans OP's boyfriend's a douche. If It was the other way around, if OP kissed an attractive guy on the kiss cam everyone would be furious. People seem to expect much more of women. It seems like a bit of a double standard.
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Show it anywayYou don't have to kiss. That happens a lot.
The camera went on my friend and his girlfriend one time, and he shook his head and started kissing his hand. The people in the stadium loved it.
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Show it anywayHe couldve pulled OP into the camera and kissed her instead.
231 beat me to it :C *revokes comment*
That's cause he posts it on many other FMLs, not that this is very related to the topic at hand.
8- Now that people are clocking on you'll have to start being a little bit more creative. perhaps you should express your love in different languages.
Me amore!
How do u message people on here? Is it possible or no?
How humiliating. I would tell him off right then!
Slap him, then at least she won't be the only humiliated one
Woman *
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Show it anywayAs a civilized human being (HAHAHA!), I've gotta say that shit was never really very funny. You missed the fact the last amount of humor in it pretty much died out years ago, so I'm just being a nice guy and telling you this shit for your own good so you don't continue to look like a ******* idiot waving his micro-**** in the air and decorating his house like a cave from the "good old days." Thank me later, jackass.
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Show it anywayComment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayThe only joke here is your spelling. If it's a choice between you telling that one or telling disrespectful, sexist "jokes," I guess I'm ****** no matter which I choose. Whatever. Say something funny, or not offensive to your mother's sex, and I might laugh.
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Show it anywayNo, but thanks for asking.
67 - It's not the short cuts, it's your spelling.
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Show it anywayYour grammar isn't very fabulous either.
Yooo 67 who gives a f@ck what these kids say. That "nice guy" is a pussy ass kid who ain't getting none. Get at my spelling.
I honestly don't like it when people use texting acronyms, but I accept it and try not to complain too much, but acronyms in conjunction with shitty spelling makes your sentence look bad, and you look like an idiot. Call me grammar nazi if you will, but you are just making yourself look even more like a douch by not only using an outdated, disrespectful joke, but trying to pass your poor sentence off as "texting lingo". (I wrote all of this on my phone, by the way, didn't take that long.)
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Show it anywayI'm pretty sure the commenting policy for FML states: "- TXT language and out of context comments are forbidden." 'Short Cuts' like 'ppl' are TXT language.
I think I lost I.Q. points.
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Show it anyway113 - How exactly are we changing the way someone is by correcting their grammar? We ain't changing their Religion.
138- don't we all? and btw poster if your using a phone why don't you have auto correct spelling derp face.
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Show it anywayTruly 28- if u can't take a joke with ur fucktarded policy of hating stupid people u can truly go and eat a dick for all I care it's sad how far people fall into a boring life
^^^ THIS is why I love FML commenters.
Does there have to be? If there was a comma there wouldn't it cause an unnecessary pause in the sentence instead of making flow like if he was actually talking?
#170 Ok, I am just curious metal chick. On your profile, last sentence, were you just kidding or are you serious? Like are you really a satanist or do you just not believe in God?
There's a time and place for using incorrect grammar and spelling, and I don't believe using it on FML should warrant 30+ nasty comments. If someone has a problem with his joke, then tell him, there's no need to critique his typing just for the hell of it. I doubt he uses that grammar on job applications or other documents of that sort, and if he does, so be it. Why should anyone care about this guy's life. For all we know he's got a job and is happy with it, and if not, there's nothing we can do about it. By the way, FML is an great website with great moderators, I'm sure they would delete his comment if they found it overly offensive or grammatically unreadable.
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Show it anywayholy crap, take a chill pill. let him type however he wants . get a life seriously.

Not sure about you, but I'd dump his ass.
Troll cam