By jordyn173 - 08/04/2012 03:19 - United States - Oklahoma City

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a basketball game. A very pretty woman sat next to him. During the third quarter, the kiss cam came on. But it didn't show him and me, it showed him and the other girl. And they kissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 687
You deserved it 3 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments


oarisimo 4

This is one of those relationship FMLs where I actually DO think you should dump him. What a douchebag!!!

O.o I think this is the worst one I've read in awhile. I'm so sorry OP, I can just imagine how humiliating that must have been :(

You should of just went off on him , even if Kobe got a basket ,u should've told that guy off

What a complete Douche... You definitely deserve better. Hope he's single now

Honey throw him to the curb that or make him sleep on the couch until he dumps you or buys you a huge rock

I don't think him buying all of the gems and presents in the world will make her forget this particular **** up :/ As for sleeping on the couch, that's too kind. He should sleep outside in a thunderstorm without even a dog house to shelter him.

147- Diamonds > self respect ? NO.

lis12110 0

It shouldve been him kissing his girl friend not that girl!! There is absolutely no excuse for that!! If my boyfriend did that he would be dead!

I would have then slapped him on kiss cam and left. Wtf? Even if he wasn't on there with you , he should have still kissed you. D-bag alert

KirbyisEPIC 0

I am so sorry. That must really suck! Well, atleast you know you shouldn't spend the rest of your life with that little prick.... :P