By jordyn173 - 08/04/2012 03:19 - United States - Oklahoma City

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a basketball game. A very pretty woman sat next to him. During the third quarter, the kiss cam came on. But it didn't show him and me, it showed him and the other girl. And they kissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 687
You deserved it 3 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments


that's one way to score a hot chick ha!

bizarre_ftw 21

I hope you slapped him & walked off and made a show of it just for the camera

xJetro_GIHYL 0

Aww , I feel bad for you. Dump Him !!

sweetmama88 6

Don't put up with that crap, once a cheater , there always going to cheat.

Llamacod 11

I think you got that saying all ****** up. I think it goes something lilet this "once a cheater, always a cheater" but I could be wrong.

Kayla bitch, life is too short get off your high horse. It's just an FML, no need to jump on the spelling and grammar bandwagon. It's funny that you choose to criticize people you don't even know for something we all do. How old are you anyways? You must be under 18 if you have a bathroom mirror picture as your profile. Graduate highschool, get a job, maybe have some kids then criticize people. Maybe then with your life experience you would have something to bring to the table. Now you just look like one of those "know-it-all" teenagers....YUCK

really? first off, there is a reply button. why don't you ******* use it. second, do you realize what an asshole you sound like?....bitching at someone you don't know for bitching at some one she doesn't know? lastly, what does her age have anything to do with anything? frankly, I makes me happy to see young people who give a shit about spelling and grammar. life experience doesn't give anyone a right to act like a dick, dick.

batummshakalaka 1
theonlysweetpea 10

#125 What the hell do you even know about Kayla?! I don't know her personally but she seems nice but fair. You're judging her as if you had a clue as to her life. The guy had poor grammer

It was just a kiss, grow up reacher!

mrphychrs 5

does he know he's your boyfriend? or are you one of them girls who just cause you've been spending a lot of time with a guy you just assume that your dating

batummshakalaka 1

What the... Lol. Is this guy for real?