By jordyn173 - 08/04/2012 03:19 - United States - Oklahoma City

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a basketball game. A very pretty woman sat next to him. During the third quarter, the kiss cam came on. But it didn't show him and me, it showed him and the other girl. And they kissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 687
You deserved it 3 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow he's a jerk if he couldn't just turn around and kiss you instead. Sorty OP FYL

Though your feelings are hurt now, at least you got to see his true character come out and don't have to waste another moment with him. :)

batummshakalaka 1

You make a very valid point. Half full kinda guy :) The world needs more people like yooooouuuuuu!!!

Thanks guys! It's better to look forward to the future rather than dwell on the past. Hopefully this girl will find someone that puts her first. :)

MEM0817 18

I would have left his ass right then and there.

What I want to know is why SHE kissed him too. He's a stranger to her.

Because that's the whole fun of the kiss cam

Yes, with people you know and are currently dating or married to. I don't find it normal for complete strangers to kiss, regardless of the situation.

mom2pen 4

That's what I was wondering, skanky ****.

Llamacod 11

My god people, get your prudish heads out of your asses, usually kiss cam kisses are quick pecks not tonsil rubbing kisses. And if you are American (or if you're not ) google "end of ww2 kiss between sailor and girl" and you get one of the most famous kiss photos in the world, which happened to be between 2 strangers that were excited about hearing about the war's end

nightowl713 25

Definitely would have dumped what ever was in my hand, popcorn, soda, or what ever on his head and walked out. Not ok period. No excuses are necessary, the kiss was explanation enough.

How many comments can we get saying how we all would dump his ass?

linkinpark98 23

Yes dump his ass but If you dont and a simply sorry fixed things you deserve it cause he could obviously get away with disrespectful things like that

linkinpark98 23

……A spot on the living room couch. (That's if she didn't dump his ass.)

badmike89 6

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Big talk for someone who will never experience one.

Tssss, what's all that sizzling cause I think someone just got burned!

Llamacod 11

Fu manchu, fütball, fu... What? Would you at least finish you're damn thought before posting?

Llamacod 11

Shit, I mean your not you're. Sorry its the auto correct on the phone