By The Clitshank Redemption - 05/06/2013 23:11 - United Kingdom - Cambridge
Top comments
Woah... either he's crazy in love or....he's just crazy. I'm gonna go with the latter... Save yoursellffff!!
Sounds like Ted from How I Met Your Mother
Her name though??
If you know, you know. I know married couples that say they would have got married the first day because they knew.
My parents got married after 3 months of knowing each other. They've been married for about 21 years. 3 months is longer than 6 days but still not a long time to make a decision to spend the rest of your life with someone!
63- Are you serious?
#63: Most definitely not.
63- No. If you're going to correct someone, at least make sure that they need to be corrected. Just stick to painting happy little bushes from now on.
63# is obviously trolling. nobody can be that stupid
you trust humanity to much
63- No!!! That's too funny! I'm going to look out for more of his wacky grammar corrections! That's comedy gold!
My husband and I knew at 10 days. 24 years later, still madly in love!
I don't want to live on this planet anymore, because of 63#
And considering how I just watched Harold and Maude too...
63- you, sir, are a natural comedian.
63, Your name should say DumbAssBob
89-You are the reason I fear for humanity.
So.... did OP say yes?
63- I know your shockingly pitiful mistake has already been pointed out numerous times, so usually I'd just keep on moving. However, that particular error was just too stupid to ignore. You, sir, are a dipshit.
#63, think out loud if you have to. This might actually help you in realise WHAT you are saying. "You'reself" = you are self. Did you accidentally the phone, too?
Her name is like how they name Big Bang Theory episodes.
#119 over react much???

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Show it anywayIt is?

It's a pun. It's weak of him to do that.
Aww, crud. I thought a week was five days long; Saturday and Sunday were simply extras we were graciously allowed by our masters *ahem*...bosses.
How do you count that fast? It takes me ages to do that.
Yeah well no shit
Sinse yall count so fast lets count how many people took this comment literally and completely missed the pun. Its funny how willing you people are to make some one feel dumb for a mediocre pun. *gets ready for thumbs down*
#64: There is a difference between making one feel dumb, and simply verifying one's intelligence. Since*, y'all*, let's*, It's*
Let's look at it from both perspectives. Option 1. The commenter simply forgot to put the "A" in his comment rendering it, "That's less than a week" and as a result he would be criticized for poor proofreading skills. Option 2. The commenter was attempting to make a pun off of the words week and weak, which in itself isn't a particularly witty pun, but a pun none the less. Either way, the placement of the letter "A" is the determining factor for the judgment of this comment. Until the commenter clarifies, he is both bad at proofreading as well as mediocre at creating puns, simultaneously. This is essentially Schrödinger's comment.
Just say no to drugs.
#72 Well he's called thepunman, so you can take your guess...
man you guys really know how to beat the living hell out of a dead horse.
If that was a pun, it was a pretty week one.
No shit, Sherlock
Did you do that all in your head?
I don't care if it was a pun. It was a really bad one and didn't work in this situation. That's the problem I have with it.
Also someone*
Ugh, I am so glad you were here to do the math. I think I missed this vital class!
He's pulling a Mosby. (Hence the How I met your mother reference)
He could be using her.. just a thought
I actually thought of Friends. When Rachel is pissed off that Ross is getting married, so she proposes to the guy she's only had four dates with. Maybe this guy is annoyed that the woman he really loves is moving on, so he's using OP to prove that he's moved on too.
Sitcoms: Helping citizens across the world understand life.
More like creeper.
Um...... wow........
You speak words of wisdom, #7..
I hope you didn't say yes out of shock. How did he propose?
Awe that's romantic :P
These days, it's YOLO, so marry him then divorce him within 40 hours - you'll break Brittany Spears' record of 55!
I posted the exact same idea, yet I get a vote down....
#30: You poor thing.
It's pretty simple, 30. Your comment read like it was a serious suggestion. 11's read like a joke.
Run far far away OP and save yourself.

Woah... either he's crazy in love or....he's just crazy. I'm gonna go with the latter... Save yoursellffff!!
How did you do the math so fast??