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By Anonymous - 16/11/2013 10:06 - United States - Rockford

Today, my boyfriend of three years sent me a text message saying "It's over!". I sent him maybe a thousand texts saying "Why?", "What do you mean?!" After an hour of crying and whatnot, I realized he had driver's education today and that he was saying the class was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 981
You deserved it 49 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think I'm the only one who is questioning why she didn't try calling him at least....who would send only texts in this situation? Call his ass!

More like drove her insane for not replying to her

....I don't want to live on this planet anymore

ElementaryEdGuy 18

I'm just wondering if this realization happened before or after the angry lie phase? "Oh yeah? Your peepee's small, and I did your brother, your daddy, AND your mom!"

#31 not all people have calling capabilities. my friend in Uni pays $10/month for just texting. its all she can afford.

Ambrily 27

#75: I pay €10/month and I have 400 minutes to call, 1000 SMS and 2 GB to surf the net. I'm not trying to sell anything, it's only that $10 are pretty expensive just for texts, according to me...

CrazyGirlfriend 21

With my prepaid phone, before I decided to get a plan, I had to spend around 25 dollars for unlimited texting every month and that wss all I would get. If I wanted talk time I would have to buy another card to load onto my phone.

93, phone plans I'm the United States are much more expensive

But she sent thousands of texts and it took an hour to work out what he meant...if he didn't respond to any of those texts in that time what makes you think he was answering calls?

#102 I live in the United States and pay $35 for unlimited texts data and 300 minutes that's not to bad

#117 I remember when I had that, I always regret switching.

I'm in Aus but I pay $80 a month, I get unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 5GB data and the phone with it. Wish I could get something like that for $10!

He didn't reply to all those THOUSAND texts? I think he's talking about more than just his class now.

Yes because the concept of him walking away from the phone, getting busy for a bit, or forgetting it's on silent is lost to the masses...

I have a feeling her boyfriend did this on purpose .....just to **** around with his gf because he most likely knew what she'd take "it's over!" as.

Useless fact: 1000 texts in an hour is a text every 3-4 seconds. Which is some impressive rapid texting.

OP has extremely nimble fingers! With fingers like those her boyfriend probably really likes having her around...

Shrouds 14

tl;dr #111 Fml needs a voicemail system.

#113 For some reason, I imagined her repeatedly texting "y" while waves of tears streamed down her face

jazzy_123 20

109, it's possible. I remember one time, I was on the phone with my boyfriend. I couldn't hear him because the line kept breaking up and we were arguing over something stupid. The last thing I heard him was"... breaking up.." and I automatically yelled "what??!!" and almost started crying. Then he laughed at me for freaking out. He had actually said "you're breaking up" Now that I look back, it is funny lol.

1,000 texts....Overly attached girlfriend? I think yes.

when you've been with someone that long it's devastating to think the significant other wants to break up.

kyu_Q 19

Not only just a text but an abrupt two words. OP might have some insecurities too.

it could of been a driving class for bad drivers!!!!!

RedPillSucks 31

Context! Context is everything!

kyu_Q 19

....Text is nothing , sprite. obey your text.

ummm. dramatic much? self esteem issues to boot... bummer for you, and him

connhackett 4

Insecure much? Wow do you need to relax.

Um, there are a lot of insecure people, maybe she wasn't exactly liked by family or school, we all have insecurities. And she was more than likely using hyperbole to exaggerate how devastated she was. Not saying you're wrong, but you're definitely not right either.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

almost everyone has.insecurities. And everyone has, at some point, jumped to conclusions. the people on this fml need to get off their high horses instead of acting like theyve never jumped to conclusions on something silly before. obviously, the 1000 texts part was an exaggeration. Im thinking she may have sent around 9 or 10 texts asking for an explanation and asking what he means (from reading the fml). also, 9 or 10 texts isnt that big of a deal to some people who are constant texters. Another factor to be taken into consideration is if maybe OP was having a terrible day and something like this has happened to her before. Of course she would be worried and crying. Not all relationships show signs of breaking up before they do (I dated a guy for 2 12 years and randomly broke up with me the day after Christmas when the next day he was saying how much he loves me and got me Christmas presents. turns out he was wanting to get back with his ex that he was talking to behind my back). yes, she was jumping to conclusions but who doesn't? As for saying she was over reacting... I disagree. if you think someone is randomly breaking up with you then why wouldnt be freaking out?

Shrouds 14

^^ and that's why your the crazy girlfriend.

andrealovvve 17

I find it annoying how people put "much" after everything. Like in these last comments… just saying.

mimiminx 23

I hate it when people put 'just saying' after a comment. It doesn't mean anything.

Rainhawk94 27

I can imagine when he really breaks up with you. .you'll send him death threats?