By anon - 28/09/2015 03:27 - United States - Orange Park

Today, I thought my wife and I would reconcile after being separated for eight months. We ended up sleeping together after a dinner date, but she told told me afterwards that she still wanted a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 032
You deserved it 2 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

Some things you just can't change. It's unfortunate we can't always tell what the other person is feeling. At least you were able to enjoy a nice date with your wife before the divorce. Good luck with what comes next--if you look at it as an exciting new start with the next part of your life it may make things a tiny bit easier!

Sorry to hear OP. But now you know where you stand. Chin up and move on. It's rough when you still care for that person. But for self preservation purposes...It needs to be done.


Rei_Ayanami 18

This is the most overused line on FML. How can you know what they deserve? What if the two were separated in the first place because he cheated on her with 12 other people? Would he still "deserve better"? In such a small story with no details it is impossible to know what the deserve. They could deserve far worse for all we know!

What if she did the same and that he was a victim? We need a follow-up before making a solid assumption #17.

That's exactly the point 17 was making, genius.

Redgy22 26

NO one deserves to be given false hope only to be rejected. Doesn't matter who did what.

nonsensical 26

Some things you just can't change. It's unfortunate we can't always tell what the other person is feeling. At least you were able to enjoy a nice date with your wife before the divorce. Good luck with what comes next--if you look at it as an exciting new start with the next part of your life it may make things a tiny bit easier!

I couldn't have put it better myself! Don't look back on the past. Instead, focus on the good things that are yet to come!

So she got wined, dined, laid and now she wants to get paid. She's cunning OP.

Sorry to hear OP. But now you know where you stand. Chin up and move on. It's rough when you still care for that person. But for self preservation purposes...It needs to be done.

cooltatgar 31

Maybe she found someone else. Give yourself some time, then go out and find someone.

cr500guy 11

Sorry to hear that OP. Keep your head no matter how bad it hurts. Time heals

Is this another "I still had sex" moments? Sorry about your divorce op.

Sorry, OP. Just because the two of you need to separate doesn't mean the attraction isn't still there. It's rough, but you'll find someone who is right for you. Don't worry. :)

you should probably sign sign the papers. .

You should probably be a bit more sensitive to Op's feelings.

That sucks but sometimes people need closure and maybe that is what that was for her. I'm sure you're hurting but it doesn't last forever. Best of luck brother.

xoxoblondee 31

That sucks that she led you on like that. At least you hopefully got more closure. If not, I wouldn't try sniffing around her tree anymore, she might just make it harder for you to let go.