By DeadBroke - 07/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because I was tired of his childishness and anger, so he decided to send me 540 random text messages of scrambled letters in order to mess up my phone as well, as make me pay 20 cents for each message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 552
You deserved it 5 734

Same thing different taste

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what is this? you get charged in the us for receiving a text? land of the free my ass

Making the receiver pay for SMS is totally weak.


Jbiebs82 0

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Reply function is meant to be used for replying. It is not the tool to let your comment stay on the top of the page. Stop abusing it.

Doesn't matter people still abuse just learn to live with it.

I always mentally excuse it if the first comment is lame. Think of it as a sort of redemption shot.

ThatCoolDudeYuNo 0

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quackquackquac 0

Plus the existing phone bill... That's like 30 dollars or so tacked on.

Not counting how many texts were already sent before that.

ahaha that's when your report your phone as lost/stolen! it works everytime

Making the receiver pay for SMS is totally weak.

Why is the recipient charged at all? Here in Australia, the sender pays - the only exception that I know being premium SMS services. Charging the recipient is double-dipping. How do they justify that?

ecarr 7

Here in Singapore, students get free unlimited SMS. Other than that,they have 500 free sms per month. And you dont pay for received texts.

imanethesmart 0

yeah, but only if you open it!! but AT

kdm_km1 19

YDI. If it went to the phone it costs whether you open or not. stupid!!!

Cartain 0

How can he force you to do that?

Harsh. I'd report it stolen and accuse him of it.

what is this? you get charged in the us for receiving a text? land of the free my ass

its stupid, i didn't get charged to recieve texs in the US when i am on a UK phone. It seems stupid to charge people who are on the network but not people linking onto it, networks always charge stupidly expenisive amounts to people linked onto them, they charged £1.40 per minute to make calls but nothing to recieve text....

And if you do have a plan, and it's not unlimited, you still get deducted for incoming messages. Text messaging is a racket. It costs the phone companies almost nothing to implement, and they ding you going both ways on them. Also, not every wireless provider has a "don't read, don't pay" policy.

russianspy1234 11

Actually, it costs them exactly nothing. When implementing cell service, they noticed they had like 128 bytes left over that they weren't using, so they implemented text messaging. It uses the same system that your phone uses to tell cell towers who you are / what your phone number is.

Prepaid phone services don't offer any amount of free texts. Each is a deduction from your balance. Same with minutes used. Prepaid phones suck.

That is so stupid. Seriously where I live you only pay for text's you send. When you have to pay for reciving txt's it's like the sender has to pay for a stamp as well as the reciver. That is silly.

I've got a prepaid phone, I pay about 20 bucks a month for unlimited texting and free nights and weekends, downside is I pay $.10 a minute, but I get bonus minutes everytime I pay my bill. Prepaid is the greatest thing ever.

lwdjaymac 1

What sort of shitty provider do you have that makes you pay to receive texts? That's completely retarded.