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By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, I was playing my bass clarinet around the house. I asked my dad if he would be at my concert on December 16th. His response was, "No, I'm working that day." My dad is a plumber, and gets called to work completely at random; he has no schedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to crack that bass out and practice in the middle of the night. He might learn to appreciate it then.

El_Mero_Mero 0

cut him some slack. he says he's a plumber but when bowser comes and kidnaps princess peach. he has to go recuse her. tell your uncle he never does anything anyways but pretend to do something.


Time to crack that bass out and practice in the middle of the night. He might learn to appreciate it then.

Maybe he has an apointment that day? Someone called him before hand because they might be moving in or out? Think a bit harder next time, cry baby. YDI

This reminds me off the wedding one. & Ya maybe he has an appointment booked way ahead of time. Very possible.

He has no appoinments on that day (ohh yeah im the person who created the FML), he was just joking (this is what he just told me)

OP someone besides me actually plays the bass!

hahafylop 4
therevolution 0

call him before ur concert and fake a incident at the auditorium or wherever ur'll work....

Yea well serves you right for playing bass anything, we all no its the Milli Vanilli of instruments

lalagirl912 0

fick you 3 I play bass claranet

El_Mero_Mero 0

cut him some slack. he says he's a plumber but when bowser comes and kidnaps princess peach. he has to go recuse her. tell your uncle he never does anything anyways but pretend to do something.

he would hate that...thats a terrible idea to get someone to appreciate something DONT YOU KNOW ANYTHING

knibbsy 4

Just tell your dad he's "cracked out" and better show up.

oh well, clarinets suck. hahaha, I kid! /:

maybe you should play a better instrument, line clarinet and he'd come. bass clarinets are almost useless in a band.

actually that is not true. in my band bass clarinets have a lot of solos and complete the basses. and NEVER call an instrument useless cause not all instruments are.

No they aren't! I plated the marching bass clarinet for 3 years. when we played loud and strong, we had a much needed presence in the overall quality of the sound. so stick that in your juicebox and suck it! ^.^

tubagurlluvsyou 7

no... no they are not. We have a bass clarinet being marched this year :) But the tubas are the best :D

Ladybuggy, you must be one of those useless people that just took up space in marching band cause you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Bass clarinets usually double the bass line, ARE the bass line in woodwind features or have their own solos. No instrument is useless; if there's a part for it, it's gotta come out, rendering it useful.

oarisimo 4

its probably for the school band, in which bass clarinets are needed. idiot.

sportznut856 3

if you have any common sense you'd know that they are important. they are the low woodwinds and they are needed to balance the band jerk

Yeah, they are useless like your opinion.

*completely at random Oh, and that sucks OP. :(