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By unwanted - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my parents fought over who gets the dog when they divorce. Nothing has been said about where my brother and I will live when they split. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 231
You deserved it 3 601

Top comments

The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.

the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward


Meanie-heads: noun. heads that are in condition, meanie

supersaiyan7 0

**** you #1 you're so damn ugly!

hey! you bitch if anybody is ugly it's you with your spiky ass hair and giant scar!

supersaiyan7 0

19, you're a ******, you try to be funny with you retarded dog picture and defending butt- ugly women.

17: Haha... you got annoying spunk... I like you.

supersaiyan7 0

I'll rip off you're little doggy testicles and then you'll be walking around with you're tail between you're legs like the little bitch you are!!!

17, just because you prefer women with a beard and penis doesn't make #1 any less pretty.(:

sassypants93 17

How do you know it's not a bitch already?

supersaiyan7 0

well 33, I've seen you're mother and trust me, there's nothing attractive about she-males.

TayonaC 10

well dang 0_o even if you don't think she's pretty it doesn't mean you gave to announce it to everyone. and the reason why your saying that I'd probably because you yourself is ugly that's probably why you have a cartoon picture up. also grow up, if your talking like that you shouldn't have up a picture a 10 year old would have...

33: Why thank you kind sir. 31: Now now... We all know that that has been your fantasy since you have hit puberty.... yesterday. Just don't share it with us. Nasty.

supersaiyan7 0

sorry 38, I don't remember asking for you're opinion. learn some goddamn manners.

sassypants93 17

Well the seven could stand for his ideal age which would explain why he has that picture. He probably still thinks that girls have cooties because he's stupid to call you ugly.

#43, No one ******* cares, #1 just shut up you poo-poo brain.

sassypants93 17

41, She never asked for your opinion in the first place, hypocrite.

supersaiyan7 0

maybe some people don't understand the virtues of a lucky number, but one thing is certain: you should **** off Satan worshipper.

TayonaC 10

lol ya I noticed to seven after I sent my comment why are you even here? can you even do your time tabels or count yet?

supersaiyan7 0

thank you for accepting my apology, would you like to play words with friends with me? my username is Sergie7.

TayonaC 10

either way you are an idiot for having up that picture. at least have one up of you too. then it would be fair

All that's happening right now is that all this hate towards him/it is just feeding him. Ignore the fail troll, unless what he really needs is to be humiliated, in which case, go on. >:-D

supersaiyan7 0

57, you should become a psychologist, you're real smart!!!

Butttt i like feeding trolls! :O its like feeding a baby or a little animall.(: fun fun!

55: Thanks! You too. ^.^ 59: Um.... What's Words..? And no thank you. Haha random....

mendozaale 0

did you people just had a fight here? well this kinda random.... :)

Supersaiyan7, here are some tips that might help your stupid levels go down! You're - contraction of 'you are.' ex. "Supersaiyan7, you're stupid!" Your - belonging to the person you're speaking to ex. "Supersaiyan7, you happened to let your stupid out. Please put it back where it belongs."

What happened to all of the comments...?

kingtz 6

#84 they need to sticky this on the first page!

JennaMason 6

mhmmm. not necessarily. not all humans are selfish.

Do you blame the parents for fighting over the dog first? it's cheaper to feed, and is actually grateful for what you give it!

Because humans are the most disgusting and selfish animals on the planet. And for such an advanced creature some people are very damn stupid.

#109 - humans could change how selfish they are - they just choose not to. One of our many, many flaws.

Maybe this is the first time ever parents have divorced and it actually is the child's fault?

Well, maybe they don't want to fight about that when the kids are present. It is pretty childish to actually argue in front of kids, but them arguing about child custody in FRONT of them would be way worse.

why did anybody like ' You totally deserved it' :/ how .. wtf

Well you know what they say: stoopid parents, stoopid kids.

supersaiyan7 0

kids get to choose which parent they want to stay with or its joind custody. so theres nothing to argue about!

TayonaC 10

well with digs you don't have to pay as much for them, they're quiet, and they're cute. everything you guys aren't .

TayonaC 10

I mean dogs not digs stupid autocorrect

ryan171717 0

why r u sorry u don't even ****** know this person

Empathy : they ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand how they are feeling. Try it, it'll make you a better person :)

the thing is, when the dog licks their face, it's cute but when you try to do it just gets awkward

The dog can't chose, so they have to decide. When they actually divorce they'll probably just let you chose.

oh man that sucks when my parents split I had no choice I had to go with my mum but it was good cause a year later my dad stopped seeing me and got re married and had a family and I have no idea where he lives and can not get in contact with him but I don't care he is an arsehole I hope he is proud