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By friendly_neighbourhood_psycho - 19/08/2011 22:47 - Sweden

Today, I was helping some friends put supplies in my crush's car for our picnic. His girlfriend cracked a joke about me, so I just sarcastically laughed and slammed the door shut. Now she has three broken fingers, and I have a reputation as a psychopath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 370
You deserved it 9 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I think you might need to look for another crush...

she now has 3 reasons not to ever make a joke about you again.


Wow, I think you might need to look for another crush...

well i heard she had a crush on her fingers, or were they crushed fingers...

Lmfao, say it was all an accident, but if you think about it, it kind of sounds like karma to me, she cracked a joke about you and you crushed her fingers. Maybe I would of done the same.

LiveLaughFML 10

Winning? Twinning? No! #crushing

All this talking about Crushing and Crushes makes me want to go get a Krusha!

*insert witty, impressive joke about your crush on your crush getting crushed*

I crush you crushing a Danimal's Crush Cup.

It's alright I'm sure your just the friendly neighborhood physco

eminemchick 19

at least your hands are tied behind your back...

Hey... if they can't take a joke, **** 'em.

BlackOpsPWNR 0

'Puppy for dog' she cracked a joke, the other cracked a finger(s)

But slamming them in the car door by accident.... It's all there

Maybe the OP needs to get a new school, considering their reputation as a psychopath...

#73 The magical unicorn crushed them.

Oh well that's nice, it was just a question

Uhh yeah I got that, I was wondering of they were going on a group picnic or what.

At least you don't have a rep for smelling curiously (Y)

that is definitely the wrong way to bring in another fml.

Just don't break into your crushes toilet screaming abiout gerbils and you should be fine

3, that's a thumbs up right? Because I've always thought it was a ******.

borkchop1992 15

he might have a finger fetish that will cause him to leave her and find someone else with sexy hands, that person hopefully being you

carolinabreathin 0

This is so confusing..anyone else think so? O.O

borkchop1992 15

what could you be confused about?

When someone asks a question is everyone's first instinct to mock them?!?! There are probably tons of people confused and when people explain it can actually help people. Thanks for being so understanding.

kelsey_katie 17

That kinda sucks for the girlfriend. She deserved it though!! I would probably do something like that if I wasn't paying attention.

kelsey_katie 17

Aww crap. It wasn't suppsosed to be meant like that... I guess what I was trying to say is that she(the girlfriend) needs to watch what she says of karma(slamming the door) is gonna bite her in the ass(broken fingers)

I agree completely with the previous comment.

no i completely agree. she deserved broken fingers:P

Ninelives_fml 3

@10 Maybe the reason she was cracking jokes was because there's this girl who can't seem understand that this guy she hanging around with? He has a girlfriend and needs to back off. I love how all you people are saying the girl deserved the broken fingers? How did you know that OP wasn't being a bitch and trying to flirt with another girl's boyfriend? And no, even if she wasn't, why are you all celebrating over someone's broken fingers? So it's an accident. Why the hell are you guys enjoying the thought of a girl breaking her fingers? You don't know her. You don't know the circumstances. The only bitchiness I see is all of you, ENJOYING the fact someone got hurt. That sad thing is that this girl hasn't done anything to any of you. Unfucking believable. Thumb me down if you want, but damn it. This is just cruel, laughing over something like this. Have you ever thought that maybe the girl might get a permanent injury? That she might not hold a pencil ever again without hurting? But I suppose none of you really care. In your minds, she is already an enemy to be humiliated.

Why? This girl is crushing on someone else's boyfriend. That girl probably cracked a joke because OP was being a bitch and flirting with her boyfriend....

CabooseWins 0

OP should be proud. That'll teach the bitch to make jokes.

briannaahhhh 0

haha i totally agree! u sure it was a accident?

Its called a phsosiopath. It sounds like that but its not spellde that way

Are you confusing psychopath with sociopath?

I think they are confusing their keyboard with a drum set

Haha 38, best put down I've seen yet to dodgy spelling!

brohamas16 7

well not to be a dick but you spelled (spelled) wrong

It sounds like that? Fuh-SO-see-o-path? Interesting...

Omgpwned1234 0

Why is there a 6 year old on FML anyway?

sweetbabysweet93 10

Wow your a jerk and illiterate

You're*. I see you're quite literate yourself.

Haha this sounds like it could be the beginning of a sequel to "Anger Management" haha