By daninalani - 11/03/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was discussing the possibility of other life in the universe with my friend. She said the universe isn't big enough for it to be possible, and that we would know about it already, because "there are only 8 planets in the universe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 356
You deserved it 3 275

daninalani tells us more.

FML bc i spent all morning trying to tell her about how big the universe was. she just got angry.

Top comments

miz_kamakazi 11

F HER Life if she thinks that! Let me guess, she's a 4 year freshman at UCLA, her favorite color is clear, and she wants to become a veterinarian because she loves children. SMH


There are only 8 planets now. So I don't get it. There's probably things we haven't explored yet. So your friend is stupid logical. You'll go far though.

Probably just mixed up universe with our solar system.

Shouldn't it be F Her Life for her being so ignorant?

12 you know we've discovered hundreds of new planets just within the past decade right?

I agree with #27. It's a FHL for being quite a tad ignorant. Maybe google can enlighten her?

youjustmademelol 4

Why is that your problem let her be dumb so what if that's what she believes, this is not an FML at all

MizzErikaHart 8

School maybe, or google is good enough.

VoIdemort 0

Oh my G-- I can't even. SMW! (muggle translation: shaking my wand)

desireev 17

I was thinking 'Maybe, more like 3rd grade!'. Didn't we all do a styrofoam-ball project of the planets?

Naomimi_fml 6

Still gotta give her props for knowing Pluto isnt a planet anymore.

SoccerBitch113 0
Idonebeenhad 17

Dear NASA, your mom thought I was big enough - Pluto

That was from either reddit or was it not?

kevsnev 7

I agree with 43, we have discovered a lot of planets such as Namek and Vegeta.

MissHayleyJames 7

I never got to do a styrofoam planet project. It always made me sad :(

cooldukenukem 2

People need to lean the difference between solar system, universe and galaxy.

The solar system is our sun and 8 planets (formerly 9, with Pluto). Our solar system is a tiny dot in our Milky Way galaxy, which is composed of LOTS of solar systems. Our galaxy is a tiny dot in the universe, which is composed of LOTS of galaxies. Hope that clears it up!

#12 technically speaking, there's only 7

godofswag 6

ehhh *nervous laugh* of course there are only 8. I was just testing you to see if you guys were paying attention. Congratulations, you passed !!!

pluto isn't a planet anymore? cuz I think yesterday it was. or was that last week? perhaps it was a week and half? gosh! who knows what's happening with Pluto these days?! it's practically bipolar! every day I hear something else "it is a planet", "it's not a planet", "it was a planet".... I can't keep up anymore!

Pluto is not a planet anymore. google it. Its been like that for probably more than a year. Its what my teacher told me back ago. It has something to do with its orbit or something

Smh im sorry i didnt see it said "universe" not "our solar system"

Pluto is still a planet to me! :( We don't call human dwarves not-human do we? Poor Pluto...

Omg people what the **** is this shit??? I don't want to live in this planet anymore..... Only 8 planets in the universe? Thinking our solar system is the universe ?? **** And I m here thinking we have society that can handle if governments accept about that they have already made contact with extraterrestrial life forms....

@273 Pluto is much smaller than any other planet, and there are several other planetoids that are in orbit around the sun. Are they all planets too? Are there actually several hundred 'planets' in our solar system? Or shall we stay with the definition of 'planets are actually pretty big, and not, for instance, smaller than luna'.

12 I usually don't respond to trolls but ur comment is worded in such a way that I believe u are actually as dumb as u sound.

lol, u remind me of my fav cartoons! haha

Pluto hasn't been a planet since 2006. But it will always be one to us, who agrees? :)

There are so many shockingly stupid comments on this that I decided to just make a general one and not name names. Pluto has been labelled as a dwarf planet because it is much smaller than all the others. It is still a planet, but believe what you want. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble or anything.

This is why i dont live in america

Not public schools fault. Out of a 1,000 kids there is bound to be 400 ignorant children.

So you are saying that 40% of the world is ignorant? I think i might agree.

hubla 0

There is nothing wrong with public schools I always score in the highest percentile nationally and internationally

Private schools are worse than public. They aren't held to any standards, at all.

kiran_fml 5

Public schools aren't that bad, some kids are just incredibly stupid. I would know, I was surrounded by them when I went.

loginword123 0

Hey! Public schools rock! ... Unless they're in America. I weep for my country.

born_hustla 26

Has nothing to do with public or private school...

MissHayleyJames 7

I went to private school. Holy hell private school is difficult. I'd rather my kids get a lesser education in public school and maybe give them extra tutoring to teach them more than go what I went through.

As everyone else is saying its not public school's fault. All programs have their faults and they also all have their strengths. Public school may not delve as deep into the knowledge as private but private also OFTEN (AS IN NOT ALWAYS BIT SOMETIMES) produces adults who have difficulty in mainstream society because they feel all high and mighty. And while private does delve deeper a lot of if will not be used by the kids because they don't want to know everything and will go to university and forget more than half of the other stuff in time.

You don't have to be smart to go to private school. Just rich. My sister's boyfriend went to one and he's dumb as shit.

My boyfriend went to a private school whilst I am still attending my public highschool. I used to get jealous of his wealth and education but I've come to the decision that regardless of the price of resources, they're not useful unless you have the drive to reach your full potential. The problem with public schools is that because our parents aren't paying a large amount of money for our education, there is less pressure to make them proud. Alot of kids speak to me and others saying, "I'm stupid" or "I just can't do it", to which I reply, "you are NOT stupid, you just need to focus, be positive and don't hesitate to ask questions". Sorry if this was a bit long, it's just hurtful that people often categorize public school students as the 'stupid kids'.

I'm not sure what private schools you people are speaking of. You guys are making some really absurd and very uninformed comments in regards to private schools The school I attend has less than 20 percent acceptance rate, more than a third are on financial aid, and our average SAT score for the school is 2,100 (97th percentile). It has a Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline of 30%. Over 80% of our faculty hold an advanced degree. In all of our (small sized classes) we sit around a circular table (except for labs/lectures) where we're forced to interact with each other and the teacher. Most students take 10-15 courses in a year. You can even drop a course for independent study/research or participate in one of the many international programs offered. There are also post graduate/continuing education courses offered for students. We're required to participate in community service, athletics, outdoor programs, and other extra curricular programs. We have nearly 100 clubs/organizations. We also have to attend Saturday classes weekly (not in the form of detention/ends before noon). We have to participate in a very long seminar that discusses many important issues including sexuality, drug abuse, depression, stress, friendships, relationships, etc. Our school honors all faiths. We're required to attend at least two services each term to learn about and experience other religions. We have many exceptional and top notch studios for a wide array of art mediums (photography, painting, wood working, design, etc.) as well as an art gallery. It sits on nearly a nearly thousand acre campus. Its one of the greenest [environmentally-friendly] schools in the country. It has a library with over a 100,000 volumes. It has some of them most state-of-the-art athletic facilities in the country (gym staffed with professional trainers, nine-hole golf course, 20 athletic fields, 12 tennis courts, indoor ice hockey rink, etc). The premise of that ^ is that not all who attend private schools are retarded spoiled rich kids. You can't just buy your way into a good school. You HAVE TO keep up or they'll drop you. And I'm not saying that all public school kids are "stupid". Its just that most public schools cannot compete with a good private school. *shrug*

desireev 17

234- Your whole spill about your school makes it seem like you DO have to pay out the ass to be in there. And yes, good for you for being able to attend that school. But most kids aren't able to experience that luxury. So consider yourself lucky, I guess...

MissHayleyJames 7

I agree with 234. If you don't meet a private school's standards, they'll kick you out. No idiot will be able to get in and stay in if they don't make the grades. Obviously there are very smart kids in public schools too, but they aren't getting the same opportunities as kids in private schools. That being said, my kids will still be going to public schools because private schools can be bad for your health. I'd get to school at 7:30am and get home at 10:30pm sometimes and still have to do my homework. There's no such thing as getting enough sleep in private school and your stress level is through the roof. To me that's not worth having a better chance at getting into a good college and not all good colleges are even hard to get into. I'm about to graduate from a public state college so my private school education before college was kind of unnecessary.

bfsd42 20

If you want to thumb down 234's awfully long comment, but can't, thumb me up.

musicluvr2000 11

Umm okay, thanks for sharing that #94

krispeykreme14 4

The awkward moment when you're too lazy to read 234's number 748202874797494 See?!? You were too lazy to read that number!

Do you want a goddamn medal? Your school is unique. Most private schools are more about the money than anything else. At a lot of schools, standards are low as long as you can pay. They have no standards to hold you to; they want your parents money and dont get if they boot you. Ive seen families at private schools whove been in and out of juvie, most of it school-related, and they cant boot any one of them because theyd lose the whole familys money. About intelligence? I recently transferred from a public to private school because we didn't have the money. I was the smartest guy at my private school. I don't even compare to the guys I know now.

234 - yeah, most private schools aren't like that. At least not where I live, yours sounds more like boarding school almost. Here you don't necessarily have to be "accepted" into the school, you just pay to go or go on scholarship. There's no financial aid and only so many scholarships are given each year. Then, the scholarships are the only thing you have to be accepted for based on both financial income and testing scores. Your school is clearly more prestigious than most, which is great and all, but it does mean that it makes a poor comparison. Besides all that jazz though, I don't think it matters which school system you're apart of for that one, I mean to not know the difference between universe and solar system is just lack of intelligence.

um excuse me? i go to a private school and they rock. in every school no matter how expensive it is there will be ignorant kids.

I think you mean "go AMERICAN public schools"

You don't know anything about edumacation

The reptilians are laughin their asses off right now

Why are we bringing sheep into this?

102- Reptilians are reptiles. Where the hell did you get sheep from?

Is it weird if I get the reference I think he/she is referring to reptilians as in a "Alien" race that look like reptiles and yes I had to much free time and read a lot of crazy shit

108 - I believe it was meant for the person that said, "Ewe".

Ah, that makes more sense now. Please excuse my shitty comment.

skyeyez9 24
mlb789 8

This is why sometimes you need new friends.

Sounds like a quote that would be said by Kelso in That 70s Show.

I'm surrounded by people that are dumb also.

Its: "I am also surrounded by dumb people."

If he used a coma that would have been grammatically correct but I give him a pass since I rarely use correct punctuation on the Internet as well.

Used a coma? New punctuation in the form of vegetation!

dbt88 15

91- you aren't supposed to split up verb sets, so no, it isn't.

no it's not. it's "I'm surrounded by idiots!"

Did u look at your name? I guess not

RahmEsHestos 5

Yeah! I don't even get who OP submitted this, it's more of a f her life

bargarlm 2

I'm liking your comment because of your awesome picture. Go you! ;)

Totally agree with you 7 we all now there is life out there like: the asari, turians, salarians, batarians, krogan, hanar, volus, vorcha, rachni, qurian, and I think that's it. :DDD ( the ending sucked by the way for all you who know what I'm talking about)

Nerd mode: active You forgot the geth, elcor, keepers, thresher maws, collectors, and various unnamed species from the terminus systems. Nerd mode: powering down

and in Jesus terms the universe is only 5000 years old....*facepalm*

bargarlm 2

What if it is? No one knows for sure how old it is honestly. Not trying to start something, just saying.. you an I will never know.

ThecomingofTan 9

*facepalm* ............................................________ ....................................,.-‘”...................``~., .............................,.-”...................................“-., .........................,/...............................................”:, .....................,?......................................................, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:”........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......”=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~”;/....} ...........((.....*~_.......”=-._......“;,,./`..../”............../ ...,,,___.`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-” ............/.`~,......`-...................................../ .............`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....,__ ,,_..........}.>-._...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,__......`,................................. ...................`=~-,,.,............................... ................................`:,,...........................`..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_..........._,-%.......` ...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................`

52 - Don't you have some witch-hunting to do?

RaquelW 7

52 - there's a fancy new thing called science that's pretty nifty for answering these big questions.

calenzelon 6

It's estimated to be about 7,000 years old. Not several billion as the evolutionist say but that is a lie. Mutations occurs when there is a loss of genes not gained genes.

deLongenator 4


Then did They say There's not enough room for 7 billion people because there's only 7 continents?

midnight165 5

This is the perfect comeback analogy.. Im stealing this from you

Why is it that all your T's are capitalized?

Llamacod 11

Not all the t's are caps, the t in the second "there's" isn't caps

Cool? That's so observant of you... Smh

agm77 9

Watch out, we have a genius over here.

miz_kamakazi 11

F HER Life if she thinks that! Let me guess, she's a 4 year freshman at UCLA, her favorite color is clear, and she wants to become a veterinarian because she loves children. SMH

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

Hahahahahaha!! My new favorite comment!!

WeAreAHurricane 14

That really was an amazing comment XD

yozakura06 2

This the the greatest comment in the UNIVERSE!!!!!!! Oh wait I forget the universe is only 8 planets -_- so You know she's going to be a **** star

**** stars require more brain power than she has. she fails on the stripper/street ho level.

I can't stop laughing to this comment. First time ever reading a comment almost 10 times and dying of laughter each time.