By daninalani - 11/03/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was discussing the possibility of other life in the universe with my friend. She said the universe isn't big enough for it to be possible, and that we would know about it already, because "there are only 8 planets in the universe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 356
You deserved it 3 275

daninalani tells us more.

FML bc i spent all morning trying to tell her about how big the universe was. she just got angry.

Top comments

miz_kamakazi 11

F HER Life if she thinks that! Let me guess, she's a 4 year freshman at UCLA, her favorite color is clear, and she wants to become a veterinarian because she loves children. SMH


I spent like five minutes to get what this said...does that make me dumb?

aubbeymp 3
kittykatkassie 6

It most certainly makes you dumb. Come on you guys

ashleympenrose 0
DKjazz 20

See, there ARE only 8 planets orbiting our sun (without Pluto). However, there's a fuckzillion other suns out there, which we see as stars. Many of those stars have planets around them. Some of those planets may have conditions suitable for life-- water, a hospitable atmosphere, just the right amount of sunlight, etc.

FYL for having her as a friend. I can gurantee you've lost more brain cells than she has in her entire brain by just being around her.

*you've. And there wasn't supposed to be an as before more. Can the mods just erase this comment before it gets thumbed down into oblivion? Please, I'm begging you.

Spuds like a pretty good school you got over there

DKjazz 20

Okay, I can see how the typo happens. You meant "sounds". You hit the s, u, n, d, and s, but you missed the o key and hit the p key right next to it. The autocorrect saw spunds and reduced it to spuds.

bizarre_ftw 21

She only made it to your grade by sexually serving her teachers didn't she?

I'm sorry OP, but you've got some stupid friends, please educate them so as to prevent their children to follow in the current pattern P.S. On the bright side, they knew that it had changed from 9 to 8 planets