By daninalani - 11/03/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was discussing the possibility of other life in the universe with my friend. She said the universe isn't big enough for it to be possible, and that we would know about it already, because "there are only 8 planets in the universe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 356
You deserved it 3 275

daninalani tells us more.

FML bc i spent all morning trying to tell her about how big the universe was. she just got angry.

Top comments

miz_kamakazi 11

F HER Life if she thinks that! Let me guess, she's a 4 year freshman at UCLA, her favorite color is clear, and she wants to become a veterinarian because she loves children. SMH


Fortitudine 3

Hopefully you haven't lost too many brain cells from being her friend :/

oops_im_fucked 8

Seriously? She forgot the dwarf planet Pluto?!?! (sarcasm used, don't hit me.)

anarchistpunk 3

Faith in a positive future=-2736194726303

dianadoll 23

she's wrong there's only five.(:

boycrazy30007 12

You need new friends... Who could pass the 3rd grade

I think the reason that there is intelligent life out there is because they haven't bothered to go to earth.