Nice view from up here

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Norsborg

Today, it was the first time I was going to fly first class. I ended up in the bathroom almost the whole flight with diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 945
You deserved it 2 401

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

I bet that poop was the best poop you had tho. #sitting on that first class toilet!


DalPozzo13 10
Lauren10102 3

Sorry :/ I hope you got that out of the way though so you can enjoy your vacation :)

noto_fml 0

Shit goes down in first class

At least they have a bit bigger bathrooms in first class.

Well hope you enjoyed the shit now have fun in the vacation and when you go back home enjoy the 1st class flight.

Dr0reos 8

Yeah but I bet those first class bathrooms are still way nicer then those seats in economy class. So i guess there is a happy ending to this story

ConesOfDeath 0

Why does everyone assume it's vacation? Maybe OP recently got a job that requires a lot of flying and the airline finally gave OP a first class upgrade? My uncle delivers semi trucks and flys. This sounds like that situation to me...

I bet that poop was the best poop you had tho. #sitting on that first class toilet!

More like your food took First class straight from mouth to ass.

Inheritance 10

Captain: "Excuse me passengers we are experiencing some extreme turbalance please fasten your seat beats." OP: "Fuckk .." *shit everywhere*

TheBonzaiGirl 0

Actually, if OP would have called "shotgun", he/she would have gotten to use the captains potty AND sit up front. Little known fact.

Well at least you got a first class toilet :)

I put a thumbs up because of that dog

At least you got to shit in class. Shit happens. What a shitty situation. Shit was "running" pretty badly huh? Puns have all been used! Youre welcome fellow commentors.

I love it when people have to make sure we're aware that those were all puns. I never would have gotten that if it wasn't directly stated.

At least u got to use a first class bathroom

A few of you are wrong. The bathrooms in first class are exactly the same size as the ones in coach. The only difference is the OP could have asked for a hot towel to clean his/her booty afterwards. :P

Also, they smell nicer. Until I threw up in it. There wasn't enough time to get to the economy one.

Well that's disappointing! No golden toilet?

Awwwh... ;,( So no diamond incrusted toilet paper and gold toilet seats.

See the good side of it, I am sure the first class bathroom was worth it! Besides, your life cannot be that bad if you can afford to travel in first class!!