By meeks123 - 20/06/2012 05:03 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I was arrested for drinking in public. It was my friend who was drinking; I was taking the alcohol from her so she wouldn't be arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 006
You deserved it 5 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Ouch bad luck OP. Shouldn't they test to see if you've been drinking? That hardly seems fair...

At least you tried? This is almost like the saying "good friends bail you out of jail, best friends sit beside you and say "we ****** up". But in this case... You got screwed over. Sorry OP


That sucks, of she was underage you shouldn't let her drink.

I think it's legal to have open booze on the street where OP lives. I know where I am you can get arrested for drinking in public areas.

Underaged* also, OP didn't let her drink! Did you even read the FML?

jeragonm 15

It was so she wouldn't be cought drinking in public

kingdomgirl94 29

Where in the FML does it imply that anyone in this situation is underage? For all we know they could be 40 something adults with every right to drink, just not in public.

At least you tried? This is almost like the saying "good friends bail you out of jail, best friends sit beside you and say "we ****** up". But in this case... You got screwed over. Sorry OP

Were you perhaps slurring your words as well so your friend could understand drunk speech? A good idea, but you generally shouldn't do it when the cops are around.

21 - Have you ever heard two drunk people talking? They barely understand themselves, let alone each other, so that wouldn't work

Trisha_aus 15

This reminds me of an episode of That 70s show when Eric gets suspended for smoking holding Donna's cigarette..

JoeParris 1

...under the table, i understand you took your pants off but were in public and this is getting ridiculous.

This reminds me of an episode of full house. And an episode of Boy meets world. And an episode of Saved by the Bell. Gosh, this happens a lot on tv. You should have a show!

Llama_Face89 33

Ouch bad luck OP. Shouldn't they test to see if you've been drinking? That hardly seems fair...

BunchieRules 31

I agree that they shouldn't have arrested OP, but I don't think they would have bothered with a drug test once they saw the bottle in OP's hands. Granted, they should have tested both of them, but nonetheless, they were probably too quick to judge.

TheDrifter 23

Op likely was drinking, just not on the walk home.

7, in Australia it is illegal to have an open alcoholic beverage outside your house/front yard and OP mentioned it was for public drinking. They wouldn't have been charged for underaged drinking.

Maybe OP was drinking. Just not drunk.

peachesncreem 21

56 - Since when is it illegal to drink on your front yard? That's where we have BBQ's and parties. I've had the cops stop in front of my place because my friend was running back and forth across the road. They saw we were drinking and didn't do anything.

88, re-read 56's comment... They said its illegal to have an open alcoholic beverage OUTSIDE of your house/front yard. In other words off your property.

perdix 29

And somehow her alcohol magically ended up in your breath... Tell it to the judge!

flockz 19

this is why i stay in the car and continue driving when i have alcohol.

alshygirl 14

I'm hoping that just came out wrong?

flockz 19

sorry forgot to add *sarcasm*