By meeks123 - 20/06/2012 05:03 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I was arrested for drinking in public. It was my friend who was drinking; I was taking the alcohol from her so she wouldn't be arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 013
You deserved it 5 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Ouch bad luck OP. Shouldn't they test to see if you've been drinking? That hardly seems fair...

At least you tried? This is almost like the saying "good friends bail you out of jail, best friends sit beside you and say "we ****** up". But in this case... You got screwed over. Sorry OP


perdix 29

That's why I drink alone at home -- no friends, no cops, no bad decisions. Except with online shopping. Who the **** buys iPod Socks? I need to go to AA for that.

That is the saddest, loneliest thing I've ever heard. I hope you're joking.

perdix 29

You're new here, aren't you? I wouldn't want you to be sad, so, no, it's not true. I'm almost always joking. I've never bought iPod Socks.

I'm having a hard time deciding wether you are joking about joking about buying iPod Socks or you are serious. Which would mean that you are joking about joking almost all the time, which would mean you did in fact buy iPod socks. Unless it's a time in those rare occasions when you are serious which would mean that you didn't buy the iPod socks.

And no one there to prevent you from choking on your own vomit. It's good to socialize. I think you're goraphobic and should take small steps getting out into the world. Sorry but fyl and get out there!

Trisha_aus 15

iPod socks? Must be on

maebelline12 12

Move to Japan. No drinking in public laws here. :D

diidiimi 10

Not really many here in nsw either. Where the hell were you drinking op? At a school? Or are you one of those teens they catch at the cross at 2am? And before you point out that it was your friend who was drinking... You were with her at the cross!! C'mon, admit it.

yoursucklives 36

that's what you get for being nice...

So what? We gotta be mean now and let our friends get in trouble? Pssh, **** that!!!

You're a great friend OP, it's to bad you got arrested though!

but aren't they suppose to give you a alcohol test and you would have passed

Breathalyzer test could save your ass. Good friend you are though.

ByronJess 17

Don't forget Lizzie McGuire and Phil of the Future!

Am I the only person that thought phil of the future was garbage? I looked forward to it for months and then was so disappointed, especially considering I loved pixel perfect.

KM96 24

Just trying to help out a friend and you get punished for doing a goos deed. I'm glad you were trying to being a good person but sorry for people misjudging the situation.