By mammasboy - 21/05/2013 18:30 - United States - Springfield
Same thing different taste
By soliveyerlife - 21/03/2009 09:35 - United States
WTF mom?
By whowhat - 11/07/2013 06:26 - United States
How very dare you?
By 1357katie - 19/09/2009 04:22 - Canada
By thyisnothorses - 29/04/2012 03:55 - United States - Scituate
By Anonymous - 16/06/2017 06:00 - United States - North Olmsted
By Anonymous - 10/05/2013 19:28 - United States - Warren
Simmer down
By Anonymous - 07/03/2024 17:00 - United States
By yourebeautiful - 31/12/2011 20:37 - United States
By sophiae123 - 18/01/2015 03:50 - United States - Cadillac
Where are you?
By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Why not just kick out the bitchy mom? The dad didn't say anything, he's likely sick of her too!
Time to have a sit down with your parents about moving out.
I can't believe how many people are saying kick them out lol. IF she was being serious then I'd just have a talk with her. Chances are she was joking around though? I mean who honestly threatens their 24 year old son with grounding. Kick them out? What if they are in a rough spot right now? That would be pretty heartless regardless if she was kidding or not, it's his mom and dad for Pete's sake.
Why would you kick your parents out? Talk to them, but how ungrateful can you be to the people that raised you, payed for your every little thing, and obviously still care enough to look out for you're well-being? As unnecessary as the whole grounding thing is, at least show a little respect
47, are you an idiot? The fact that his parents are living with him in itself shows a great deal of respect, especially in this day and age.
You don't talk about kicking your parents out especially after all the bullshit they presumably had to put up with you when you were a teenager
@47: The "oh, but they raised you" argument is crap. When people have kids, it is a choice. That carries with it an obligation to take care of the child(ren). Don't think that's fair? Well, don't have kids, then. The kid gets no choice in having parents, and for them to allow the parents to live in their home (quite possibly rent-free) entitles them to the respect of the parents, not the other way around. It's the mother who needs to show respect for her grown offspring. She can always move out if she doesn't like the status quo.
I think it's time for an old age home
Damn, that's harsh. OP is 24, so the parents are probably late 40s, early 50s tops. OP needs to remind them of the house rules; as a parent, I've had to bite my tongue a few times with my 20 something, and most of the time I've been successful. It's not always easy to realize that your child is an adult who can make their own decisions, but most of us at least try.
^agree, though I'm around OP's age and my parents are mid-60s. I'd personally never put them in a home but by the time I turned 18 I started asserting my own independence little by little and now my parents know that honor =/= unquestioned obedience. OP should have put in tje aame obedience so this sort of crap wouldn't be an issue.
*the same - only thing FML Mobile needs is the ability to correct new comments. Apologies! daughter is 28 and I'm 56, so it's not really pushing it.
50, you can. Under the 200 seconds, you can press the pencil icon that appears on the upper right hand corner of your posted comment. Then try to edit it immediately after you posted your comment.
i dont see why 22s second comment has been marked down. most people who are under 25 probably will have parents that are around their 50th year because people are more likely to have kids in their 20s than in their 30s. im 26, my mum is 47 and my dad is 54 and most of my friends have parents around the same age or with the same age gap.
I suggest you kick them out.
#63 -3
Hopefully they have, or are looking for, a job so they can move out of your house. But for now, goodbye to your sex life.
Why good bye? It's his house, if they don't like it, they can leave.
i don't know about you but I find it a little difficult to have sex with my parents in the house, regardless of age
I would suggest maybe some new ground rules, like, my house my rules. Otherwise I don't see them being very good housemates on a long term basis.
No matter how old you are, they will always be your parents and authority figure, regardless of the situation.
Thats bull. They are an adult in their own home. Their parents should follow their rules now not the other way around.
try telling that to Mexican parents .__.
They live in your house, that follow your rules, right?
Tell them they should live by your rules.
Ignore what they say and do as you please. Ground you in your own house... Hmm.
Agreed but gasp! Coldplay does not suck! Lol listen to paradise or peponi :)
I agree. You are allowed to do whatever you want in your house. Of course with your parents around it might be a little restricted.
I didn't mean to post the W sorry,
Peponi means melon in Greek. You're welcome.

Kick them out. They seem like terrible people
Threaten to give them a curfew if they insist on insulting you in your own home.