By mac cayne - 02/05/2014 03:13 - France - Strasbourg
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OP you really need a hobby! It's lovely that you care, but seriously?
How does wanting to help a small creature in need translate to having no hobbies? What??? I'm still baffled at how you could confuse an old potato for an egg though! Bird eggs are hard and solid, reptile eggs are soft and leathery but still distinctly egg-like in form. Plus if you didn't have any idea of what kind of egg you had, how did you know what equipment to buy? All eggs have very specific temperature ranges and humidity requirements. There is no universal incubator lamp that is just going to incubate any egg to perfection. I still give you credit just for trying OP. You obviously care enough to try to help even a little egg and that's more than most people can say.
Also just for future reference if you have (or think you have) an egg and you want to know if it's healthy and alive, use a little keychain flashlight pressed against the shell in a dark room. This illuminates the inside of the egg and in a good egg you can see veins/embryo. It's called candling, and I am now picturing someone trying it on a moldy potato.
OP is ****** weird. Get a job.
Aww. It was nice of you to care though :) you'd make an egg-cellent parent. And no good deed shell go unrewarded.
I almost cracked up reading that
This story would have been cooler if a cali condor or something hatched out instead.
#46, then it wouldn't be a FML.
Like a snake...
I think that the rules of this website saying that we have to pretend that this isn't fake or ridiculous are insults to real fmls
looks like op shelled out money for nothing
OP should've egg-samined more carefully. No but seriously, how could a potato be confused with an egg? And I would've just tried to somehow get it back up onto the nest instead of shelling out all that money -pun intended ((; But none the less OP tried to a good deed and what he/she did was sweet.
Now there's a word play i like!! Made me chuckle
Egg-xcuse the puns OP
Well then I guess this spuds for you, OP. At least you had the heart to try to save it!
Sorry, 72 beat me to it.
Agreed! Your heart was in the right place OP. :)
That's not very eggciting! I guess the yolks on you.

You're the embodiment of ignorance my friend!
You're the embodiment of a heartless stranger who can't see when some tries to do a good deed.
Pot calling the kettle black. Fact that you left that comment means you're ignorant.
Pressed thumbs down on purpose
If you believe enough, that old potato can still turn into a cute little sparrow. Or mild and bacteria. Actually, yeah. Most likely mild and bacteria.
Did your auto-correct really just change "mold" / "mould" to "mild"?
First it's a pigeon then it becomes a sparrow.
Nah, the other way around, obviously.
What's so bad about that? That potato might be going places.
Boil it, mash it, and then stick it in a stew
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.* What's taters, eh?
Nice Lotr reference xD
People that are downvoting it clearly haven't seen it. YouTube "what's taters". I remember seeing it about 10 years ago.
#60 YouTube came along in 2005. Now is the year 2014. Unless you're breaking the laws of space, time and continuity, I see no possibility of you watching that video in 2004.
I can't believe people down voted this and instead up voted horrible puns.
It's a lord of the rings reference. Sam says"this would go good with some nice taters" to which gollum replies with "what's taters, precious?" followed by sam saying "taters, you know, po-ta-toes, boil them mash them put them in a stew."
I don't know why people are saying ydi... You cared for a (potential) unborn creature! You go man!
I was expecting a lizard, a dinosaur maybe, but not a potato.
think you've got bigger problems then this going on op. please share.
I'm sorry, OP, but I laughed really hard at this. (Thanks for the laugh, by the way. I haven't been feeling too happy lately, so it was nice to laugh.) I'm glad there are people sweet enough to care, though. I know too many people who would just kick it to the side or step on it just to be malicious. You did a good thing even if it wasn't an egg, because if it had been, that little bird would have had another shot at life.
You have a nice.. neck? :) be happy!
In every life we have some trouble, When you worry you make it double, Don't worry, be happy...

Aww. It was nice of you to care though :) you'd make an egg-cellent parent. And no good deed shell go unrewarded.
That's not very eggciting! I guess the yolks on you.