By go fuck myself - 07/02/2015 00:57 - United States - Tampa

Today, I can't decide what's worse: the fact that my mother found my vibrator or that, as a prank, she replaced it with a realistic tarantula replica. She won't tell me where it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 259
You deserved it 5 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom had a great sense of humor. And your vibrator.


Hunthas 17

I agree, you have to prank her back! Just use the tarantula as a ***** until she gives it back!

#16 must have had some extremely kinky times to suggest that.

Maybe she is too embarrassed to buy one for herself, and yours provided the best solution.

Your mom had a great sense of humor. And your vibrator.

She should be sure to wash it if she recovers it! Quite a few more laughs if not..

You know at night when you walk through the house to get a drink of water and you hear a slight vibration sound coming from the attic or basement? Yeah, it's up there. So, it's basically gone forever.

In that case, OP should be relieved the attic ghost accepted the gift of the vibrator. There's nothing scarier than a sexually frustrated ghoul.

Some call it scary, others call it a good time. I mean, if you had sex that somehow makes you the king of high school, then having sex with a ghost must make you a legend.

Oh! Everyone's impressed when you guys have sex with people or ghosts. But when I have sex with special dolls or the couch cushions it makes me weird. How does that work?

inanimate objects aren't attractive my dear #39 xD you know, unless they're vibrators.. if your special doll vibrates then it's fine.

Says you, 47. The fact that 39 has sex with inanimate objects makes him literally 100 times cooler.

trying to imagine the tarantula replica. just how exactly is that supposed to look like?

JMichael 25

No no obviously it's supposed to look like a tiger!

No #9, that's too obvious for a tarantula replica! Maybe it's a bluejay...

No #9, that's too obvious for a tarantula replica! Maybe it's a bluejay...

At least it's not a real tarantula. She has a great sense of humor though!

When you found the tarantula did you wet your pants? See, good replacement.

You could always just use the tarantula.

JMichael 25

It's obvious what you must do OP. Use the spider. Use it!