By oops - 27/09/2015 02:24 - Australia - Cheltenham

Today, I got confused and said grace before brushing my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 777
You deserved it 5 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus will make sure you never have a cavity again

Dear God, Accept this sacrifice of oral agony as I dedicate my teeth to Your great glory. Please keep my pearly whites safe so that I might one day see Heaven's Pearly Gates. Amen.


Dear God, Accept this sacrifice of oral agony as I dedicate my teeth to Your great glory. Please keep my pearly whites safe so that I might one day see Heaven's Pearly Gates. Amen.

meliodafool_ 15

Thank you, Lord, for sending your son to die on the floss for our sins.

Never a bad thing to say a prayer, maybe he will make that 2 minutes go by faster?

Thank you for your insightful comment, #6. It has contributed much to the hilarity of the comments section here. Please continue to bless forthcoming FMLs with your beautiful comments.

Don't worry, God will protect those pearly whites from the sinful yellow.