By pvtcab - 05/10/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my roommate and I had to pay our first installment of rent. He's nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

bertoelmexicano 6

Facebook knows where your roommate is


iamaleccarlson 0

That wasn't funny just saying

Yeah cause that's the best way to solve things...

tittymagic 0

Just change the locks, then find a new roommate that won't be such a douche.

andy_l 14

Take a shit on his face when he's sleeping. Leave it there til morning.

bfsd42 20

12, of course you are "just saying". I'm just saying that saying just saying is really f'ing stupid. Just saying.


oh dont worry, hes getting money our of the ATM

sickjairo 7

Op ydi IF he comes back, with no money and you still let him stay.

He went to mars to get money. Be patient, young grasshopper.

tromo47 13

Or you could change the locks and kick him out?

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

Talk to him about it. If it happens again, get a new roommate. Shouldn't have to deal with that crap

Make him pay next months rent. If not, move out.

He's gone to Mars to get money. be patient young grasshopper.

perdix 29

Come up with both halves of the rent, or learn to enjoy the wilderness.

Perdix my sole goal in life is to become as funny as you