By Eragons_Mommy92 - 04/05/2012 14:38 - United States
Eragons_Mommy92 tells us more.
This is mine. we did call the cops. we have to prove its our tv so now we have to find the receipt from 2 years ago. her whole family is into illegal shit. her son got arrested recently for forging the mayors signature. we intend on moving as soon as we find an available apartment.
Top comments
Call the cops, man. That ain't legal.
Seriously. That is not ok to do.
If OP didn't do that before posting on here then YDI
No. 47 Wow, what a waste of the courts time. That probably cost the tax payers 20 iPods.
You went to court over an iPod?? That's pathetic dude you don't deserve restitution for that
Unless you signed a contract allowing him too it's illegal because when you rent, the rent basically means it your property temporarily
Get some balls and get your shit back. It shouldn't be too hard to fight that in court.
ITunes holds a record of every purchase on your account, you can't purchase without an account, none of it was lost at all.
47. There's a difference between petty theft and felony theft. This is definitely felony theft.
137 - Let's go see the Avengers.
damn rite that aint legal
Sounds like your average slumlord. I've rented many houses, and something like this has never happened to me.. Not yet anyways. It's illegal to go into the house without permission, and it's illegal to take what's not rightfully yours. Every time I've rented, I've contacted my landlord and informed them that the locks will be changed, and when my contract is up they can have the new key. They can only claim what is added on to the house or apartment itself, not what is inside. OP, you really need to fight this.
You actually went to court over a ******* ipod!
First, bad friend...second, waste of time and money....third, bad friend again dude.
Hear hear. Nick Fury'll get your stuff back. No worries!
How does that make sense
#235 I think that part of the conversation is already over.
the songs weren't stolen you still have them
271 you clearly didn't read any of the other comments, he didn't get a chance to back it up.
#275, you don't have to back it up itunes and Google play have a record of every thing you have bought or loaded onto your iPod , even songs that are from a cd
OPs landlord is either: 1). A bitch or 2). Just really, really stupid.
no shit thats terrible. why would you even comment.
Why even comment if you're just gonna bitch at someone for no reason and not even say anything relevant to the fml? But yeah, I really don't get how someone could possibly have the mindset of OP's landlord. It's pretty much common sense that you can't just take someone's things. Ever.
Hmmm. Time to call the fuzz, 5-0, cops, police. Call some form of law enforcement. Get your tv back, get her to go to jail for felony theft. I hope you did this the second you found out she took your tv
#29 or both right?
Sounds like somebody forgot to take their meds this morning.
I don't know, it seems pretty logical to me :D your kids live in my apartment? I get to use them as slaves muahahah
I would get so mad, first I would move my stuff out into a truck I would rent. second I would splatter paint everything and make it look ugly as ****. Third, I would leave, and never go back.
Fourth you'd lose your Security Deposit, and fifth you'd probably not get that TV back.
Sounds like a plan, Sherlock. You've obviously put so much thought in it!
The ol' switcheroo!
Also known as pulling an Indiana Jones
Generally switching locks or adding any in an apartment complex will cause you to become defect of your agreement and you can therefore be evicted. Not so smart. Look over the lease agreement, see if it says anything about security of your belongings and then call the police. She will have one hell of a court hearing if all she has for reasoning is "It was in my building, so I own it." because technically you are temporarily buying the place, and therefore you own that section, not her.
She can't legally do that.
If she owns everything in the building, wouldnt that mean she owns you? No. Some people make no sense...
Enough sense to have been quoted.
EveryTHING. Not everyONE. Agreed that the landlord is a bit touched in the head, though.
Cuz that would be slavery.
...nice to see you have your priorities in check.O.o
Really? Just because they have a nice tv doesn't mean they're not paying rent
Jesus... What a hideous looking duck ^
Some people would rather rent than to own. That has nothing to do with priorities.
Haha yes!
Start stealing from her suite. When she confronts you, say it's not stolen because it's still in "her" building.
It's okay! It's not stealing, it's borrowing without permission!

Call the cops, man. That ain't legal.
Start stealing from her suite. When she confronts you, say it's not stolen because it's still in "her" building.