By Eragons_Mommy92 - 04/05/2012 14:38 - United States
Eragons_Mommy92 tells us more.
This is mine. we did call the cops. we have to prove its our tv so now we have to find the receipt from 2 years ago. her whole family is into illegal shit. her son got arrested recently for forging the mayors signature. we intend on moving as soon as we find an available apartment.
Top comments
I hope you called the cops.
As a real estate agent I can tell you that you have the right to "quiet enjoyment" of your property. She's not allowed to enter your apt unless there's an emergency (broken pipes, fire, etc...). You can definitely get a law suit out of that.
Most definitely illegal! Your crazy if you don't call the police. In most cases she can't even enter your apartment without 24 hours notice, let alone take anything that doesn't belong to her! Don't with hold your rent though, it doesn't work like that, you would just have to pay it back to her in the end anyways cuz she's still providing you a place to live. You can't break your lease just cuz she's a douchebag.
Man, you can sue the shit out if her. Even if you owed her lots of rent or had abandoned the unit she has ti go through a long process before she can touch any of it.
Erm, speaking as a landlord myself....nope that is bull.
call the police. That's illegal. It may be in her building, but it's your property
Take her to court!! What the hell?
Call the cops, man. That ain't legal.
Start stealing from her suite. When she confronts you, say it's not stolen because it's still in "her" building.