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This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By charlie3289 - 27/10/2013 05:01 - United States

Today, I was at work when I found an iPhone on the floor. I decided not to turn it into the manager and keep it. Five minutes later, a customer asked if anyone had turned in her missing phone. I said no and began to walk away, when her friend called her phone. It rang. She recognized the ringtone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 744
You deserved it 209 046

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Buttsexpirate 9

You don't deserve the oxygen you breathe, you spineless invertebrate.

I want to punch people like op right in the face

I hope OP falls on a wet floor and bruises his left ********

OP, and you come to FML for sympathy? You really do have some things to learn.

That place where you (used to?) work has lost a few customers now, probably. (BTW #1 - of course none of these replies are directed at you, LOL)

Im surprised u have the IQ to create an FML account, at least if I was a douchebag like you an wanted to steal a phone i wouldve turned it off or put it in vibrate, double YDI for being such a retarded douche

Looks like someone just lost their job... And their iPhone!

The_Troller 14

OP, you deserve to get kicked in the balls until they fall off. Then be forced to deep throat a cactus. And lastly, get your **** squeezed in a 300 degree flat iron for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

mr_torch91 1

You deserve to have your fingers cut off.

BigEV 0

I'm sure none of you would turn in the phone either.

I'm just stunned that there are over 200 people that side with this jackass. Apparently, that many people probably did something similar and are accessing the site whilst wearing ankle monitors.

172, I would've turned it in. I found 10 dollars on the floor of the school store once and turned it in. They never found out whose it was, so they gave it to me. Good deeds help ya out.

Hope u and op get your phones stolen. You're scum

172: I'm sure many of us would have turned it in.

mrsarcasm. "spineless invertebrate?" Isn't that a little repetitive and redundant?

DKjazz 20

239- Though I do, in fact, see what you did there, with "repetitive and redundant", I think the rest of his comment makes up for it.

karma can be a good thing, good for you good actions should be rewarded

heyimallison 0

you are so dumb , forreal. i hope a hippo eats your legs off.

I want rip OP's balls off so that he can no longer contaminate this world.

rudysayshi 4

he's not a thief, we work hard to steal the stuff we get and he just got lucky finding it there

prince122 0

As a Muslim and a person I would never even thinking about keeping it, I also believe bad karma would come out of it and it wool bite me in the ass.

Ydi for being an idiot. Next time remember to put it on vibrate.

tittymagic 0

346- not trying to insult your religion but you must be a soft core Muslim, with you cursing and your profile description.

charlieohcharlie 12

OP, YDI. You had your chance to turn it in, then you had your chance to come clean but blew it twice. Luckily that girl's friend was smart enough to call the phone right at that moment! But JESUS all you people calling him names as if he's the devil's spawn should really get off your high horses since I'm convinced at least half of you would've done the same. It's a 700 dollar phone, people would do much worse things for that kind of money. Just consider how often you read FML's where the OP is undeservingly being treated like dirt by some jerk; or the amount of negative experiences you go through every day or so. Or even better, consider how often you're the jerk and then come judge this guy. Whether it's because you're racist, sexist, pro-war, capitalistic, anti-semetic or just the most utterly annoying and stupid person on this planet, everyone has some skeletons and on the internet you will oftentimes find those that are the most harsh in their words, are probably the most corrupt between us. TL;DR: the kettle's calling the pot black.

414 it's crazy to just assume that many would steal the $200 (with a new service plaaan!) phone. I for one actually care about people (even strangers) and as ****** up as the world is I think a lot more people would have turned it in. Everyone already has an iPhone anyway.

Candisalis 0

I would have turned it in. Would you want someone to find your, with all of your personal stuff on it, and decide to not give it back to you? "Do to others as you would want done to you." And yeah, that's a bible verse, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

moviegirl6 5

382 - I'm a Muslim as well but you don't see me all covered up in my photo. We're modern American Muslims. Most of us that live here are like that.

I used to work at sears, and did on a variety of phones.

tjv3 10

I hope you get fired you lying thief

skata 4

127- until golden brown? just burn it straight off then make him eat the ashes

skata 4

127- until golden brown? just burn it straight off then make him eat the ashes

239- repetitive and redundant.... Also redundant.

Haha I hope OP gets fired. There's no way that you don't deserve it.

KarmaRules4 7

Anyone with a shred of integrity would turn in the phone. Hopefully nobody is ever dumb enough to trust scum like you or the OP

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It could've been customized or something she bought. Either way, YDI

superficialheart 11

2 isn't stupid, there's no such thing as a dumb question, I'm sure there's more than one person with a specific ringtone, therefore it wouldn't matter what the ringtone was. What gave it away, was the fact that it rung when the number was dialed and hung up when her friend put down the phone. He could have lied again and pretended to answer 'his' phone and walk off.

The_Troller 14

There are no stupid questions... Only stupid people that ask questions.

There are a ton of stupid questions. When I was in high school, some girl in my German class asked if they speak English in England. Pretty sure that's a stupid question.

You ask a lot of stupid questions don't you??

Or he could have turned it in and avoided this whole ordeal

americuzz 8

I once had a girl in my history class ask what was Obama's last name-.-".

Urbanchiller 0

True lot of people shares the same ringtone but not the same office.

425, that's part of a joke. I've seen it on Facebook. Nice try.

DID YOU READ IT. SHE RECOGNIZED THE RINGTONE. and it could be a special one

The_Troller 14

OP has to be from Slytherin, or maybe Hufflepuff, they are particularly good finders.

JEnglish89 1

Never keep something that is not yours or else you will be in trouble, bud!!

hollisterfreak52 1

Thats what you get you twat, don't you have a conscience?

saIty 17
ikickgingers 15

Siri hates me. When I ask her what she's wearing she always says "I don't see how that is any of your business Alexis". She's a prissy c***.

Marcella1016 31

Mod coming for #130 in 3...2...

Sirin, not S... oh, forget it. It has begun.

ikickgingers 15

140... Siri is the assistant app on my iPhone... Is a crime not to like her??:/ Unless you mean Sirin? I was not referring to her, but I'm sure whatever she's wearing is hot??

Marcella1016 31

Ohhh lmao in that case that is actually hilarious! Gonna look for it now. Funny though how close it is to "Sirin" lol

That's the reason why we call people like you douchebags

YDI. Just saying. Stealing is never good. Hope you got fired :D

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The_Troller 14

I like how her profile says "I cant live without my iPhone" and yet she seems perfectly fine with stealing one.

Twat is the right idea based on your comment miss Bloom?

Miss bloom, are you really that retarded or is it just a phase you are going through? And "No shit Sherlock!". What I, and others, are wondering is based on your first comment, what idea other than "you support theft" are wee supposed to get?

If you pay attention to her comments, she's actually pretty ******* stupid.