
By NotASportsGuy - 06/09/2015 12:46 - United States - Long Island City

Today, I started my new job. The first thing my coworkers asked me is what football team I like. When I told them I didn't really like sports, they immediately stopped talking to me and haven't since, even when I ask them work-related questions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 782
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A bit childish on their part, but I think the only course of action if this becomes a serious problem that gets in the way of your work is talk to HR or your boss. Sorry, OP.

Talk about being bad sports.. Your coworkers are seriously immature.


A bit childish on their part, but I think the only course of action if this becomes a serious problem that gets in the way of your work is talk to HR or your boss. Sorry, OP.

HR is a bad idea. They're there to protect the best interests of the company. Making people talk to the new guy is not in the best interests when they can just let him go and get someone new

You don't need to talk to immature jerks like them, OP.

Talk about being bad sports.. Your coworkers are seriously immature.

They're probably just butthurt because they wanted to deflate someone in their fantasy football league

hehe1996 15

I'm sorry your coworkers are being such jerks OP. Hopefully the situation is only temporary.

I'm sure they'll get over it. Just keep your behavior professional and document that you are asking work-related questions and they are ignoring you, if they keep it up, bring your proof to your supervisor or HR.

DMA0712 22

Chin up OP, stay professional and hopefully they'll stop being so immature. Good luck.

UhHuhHoney 20