All the FMLs

Mehokaay tells us more.

Mehokaay 14

Wow my first fml. Let me try explain my stupidity. So I work in the floral department at a grocery store. Yes I have blown up regular balloons but never the life size ones. I had seen 1 time before of a coworker using a manual air inflator in one we had on display, so I just assumed we'd use it in all parts. The lady was hovering over me the entire time so that added to me being nervous. I finished and realized I had to put weights on it...and that's when I realized I did something wrong. The lady was yelling at me "What is wrong?!" Like she could even help. And then commanding I get someone over here who knows what goes in it, (but all my floral managers were not here) and I told her that so she proceeded to tell me to call another store...Long story short she was really mad at me understandably for the amount of time I took. And I did tell her from the beginning I've never done one of these before...But luckily there was a coworker in returns who knew how to blow it up so she blew up a new one. It's helium in everything except the gun, and a leg. So it doesn't completely fly away. It doesn't seem difficult at all. Just the anxiety of being watched as you're trying to learn something new. Oh and my title for this fml I was still trying to work on it but accidentally sent it to moderation, whoops

tenniemo tells us more.

Hey guys OP here (I had posted anonymously without an account before). To clarify what happened, I was about a car's length away from the SUV in front of me, stopped at a red light. I was hit by an SUV and I had a Saturn sedan... that's why it ended up crunched and totaled. When he hit me I flew backwards and my seat lock failed, collapsing my seat into the back bench. I hit my head and blacked out. When I regained consciousness my foot had come off my brake, causing me to run into the SUV in front of me with the impact. I immediately put my car in park and put on my E lights when I woke up. Paramedics were eventually called onto the scene after police came to check me out. I was having an anxiety attack right after it occurred, so was not in a mental state to call 911, and the guy who hit me's phone died just after he hit me. He was super concerned and took full responsibility, and yelled at the lady in front of us for not checking if we needed paramedics before calling 911. My air bag did not deploy, but I was checked out by paramedics and got a ride to the hospital. I'm doing alright now, with just a mild concussion and a sprained neck. Thank you all for the concern! :) now it's just about figuring out getting money together to get another car!

Iamleftout tells us more.

If you have any questions or want further details please let me know and I'll try to reply to all the comments.

SolarLunix tells us more.

Alright, so a lot of you guys are wondering why I would lend my notes to my competition - there were three reasons. 1. This internship was also part of our graduation requirements, and she was a really nice girl. I didn't want her to fail so I would lend her my notes when she forgot to write something for that day just so she could have a refresher. 2. The people I worked with at the company made it sound like there was NO WAY she could beat me out - my mentor had worked with her and said she was constantly invading personal space and making it difficult to work with. So I thought it wouldn't be that harmful to make sure she got a good grade. 3. I was told that I needed to be friendlier with the other interns, eat lunch with them, and help them out more rather than actually working with the other people in the company and getting to know the other employees. It didn't seem to matter that my mentors were giving me actual work to do... Honestly, I'm not too disappointed, I'm working on my PhD application right now, and so hopefully I'll have some better news soon.

MissKaye tells us more.

I didn't mean to sound like I'm sulking. Just naturally the couples will stay together and have conversations that I can't relate to. This usually leaves me with no social participation and makes for a pretty boring day. I love both my sister's boyfriend and sister-in-law and don't mean to say that I wish either were gone. Also, our family has a very sweet, loving, and sadly high-maintenance dog, so it's probably for the better that I'm there to make sure he gets his medicines throughout the day. I hope that clears up the FML a little! Happy holidays!

fifi125 tells us more.

Hey guys, just a lil bit of clarification. I was holding onto the tree to get a good look at the blue tongue (which was over half a metre long). We're not normally afraid of her, she's come into our house (which I'll put a picture of in my profile). It's just that that day I was too near her hidey hole so she chased me. I was in the tree havin a little stare-down with her when I must have moved a little too high up because this possum comes out of no where right up into my face. Scared the shit out of me so I ****** legged it inside. I'm also 16 so I don't have a heap of options about where I live lol

Turtleizer567 tells us more.

Turtleizer567 1

Thank you! You too. At least I know where I stand with the company now.

bookworm4332 tells us more.

OP here, thanks for the kind words y'all. Just to clear up a few things, I ordered this shirt back in November and it was supposed to be delivered to my dorm in early December. When it didn't arrive, I contacted the company and they agreed to ship another one to my home address, since it would be delivered after I left for break. It seems like there was some kind of mix-up on their end, as their "your package was delivered" email lists my home address but the UPS tracking number shows it was delivered to my dorm. Unfortunately, first-year housing at my school operates mail out of a mailroom, which is closed until January since first years are not allowed to stay in dorms over winter break. So I think that even if I made the drive out to get it, the package would probably be inaccessible to me. Oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯