All the FMLs

daidax_238 tells us more.

Hey guys! It's OP here. I'm just here to clear up a few things. First of all, my parents know I'm gay and they don't like that at all. And for the few of you guys saying "there's still gonna be gay kids there, blah blah blah" you're wrong. It's a very small school within the area and only about 250 kids go there. So far, I haven't heard anything about a single gay kid in the entire school. To be honest with you it's just a shitty situation that I can't do much about. But thanks to everybody for the support!

TheComedyAudio tells us more.

Holy ******* shit, this story got published. Anyway, the police weren't able to do anything because they all ran off and were wearing hoodies that covered their faces. The police officer was very kind and did the best he could. My nose is swollen and my eyes are heavily bruised, but other than that I should be fine within the next few weeks. Thanks yall c: