All the FMLs

tenhut tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here. My grandpa has sinus problems so his snoring is way more severe than most people's is. He and my grandmother both were talking in their sleep on top of it. I waited it out and tried my headphones for almost 3 hours before i decided to move. The hotel room only has a bathroom and bedroom, no couch, so it was the only place I could go. The tub may seem a little over the top, but my grandparents are older and have bladder control problems. They need to go to the bathroom multiple times a night, and I didn't want to make them have to step over me. I ended up going out to buy some sleep aids and my grandmother brought some of those snoring strips for him to try. Fingers crossed it works!

mekiswrite tells us more.

Hey guys! So, the place that I'm working at JUST switched to a new system - which nobody knows how to use. A while ago, my boss sat down with me to try to get me set up in the system. One problem that I had was that, using my phone, it was telling me my username and password were wrong. So, my boss told me to sign in as a "New Candidate". When I did, it didn't register me as having applied for any jobs. Last night, I tried logging in with my computer with the original username I had used to create a profile on the site. All fixed now, so I'm signed up for Direct Deposit and should be getting my employee number in a day or so. Which means that I can clock in and out and they can keep track of the hours I work. Which also means I'll be getting paid for the work I do!

so_this_is_me tells us more.

Just to clarify, the dress code was business casual but since it was on a farm, I was trying to choose comfortable, practical shoes that would not get totally ruined and that still looked nice which proved to be a bit of a challenge. After lots of shopping around and trying on many pairs of shoes, I found a pair of flats and I ended up wearing those. It did rain pretty heavily later so I ended up getting permission to change into shoes that I wouldn't mind getting muddy. This had absolutely nothing to do with entitlement, I was just trying to be practical :)