All the FMLs

Lexyy17 tells us more.

Just putting this out there, but I never met the girl. I live in another province.. the drive takes over 30 hours one way. My friend and I only ever chatted online due to the distance and I've been happily married for the last 3 years, been with my husband for 6 so really she had nothing to worry about.

HappyItalian tells us more.

OP here! Let me explain the situation: The reason why I did not notice my last name being misspelt for so long was because 1. The only way you could see it is if you went to a certain section of your online banking 2. It was just ONE letter off, and I have a very long last name so of course I didn't notice at first I actually came into the bank that day and told them both my problems (that my name was misspelt and that I had lost my card). I don't know why but FML rewrote/reworded my FML so they left out some things. The reason why I couldn't remember my last purchase was because I have a short-term memory problem, so even I have to check online almost on a daily basis what purchases I make. I told them this and they refused to accept that, so I gave them an answer: "I must've bought food, because that's the only thing I remember spending money on this week". And yes, the answer WAS food! They just thought that that was too vague to accept. I gave them all forms of ID I had, including my SS card, but they wouldn't accept it because of the misspelt name. I tried asking them if I could answer my security questions my account asks every time I log in, but they said that "doesn't count" because their online, phone, and in-bank banking are all different from each other. So in conclusion they just shrugged and told me to come back again tomorrow.

MercyRoseLiddell tells us more.

More info - This actually happened a few weeks ago, so all I have left is a scar. Only 2 of my cat's claws caught my foot. The rest caught the bed. This incident happened at 4am. The cat in question is our super skittish semi-feral baby. We got him at 3 months old and completely feral. He's now 8 months and really sweet. He is my cat pretty much. He follows me up to bed and around the house and always wants cuddles when I wake up in the middle of the night. Yes it hurt, but I wasn't even mad. I've had worse. Both from our other cats and from him. In fact, my family and I laughed about it the next day because cats aren't usually so clumsy.

milliepede tells us more.

Hi guys! OP here, I know it's a bit late, but here's some more detail. The tattoo I got was an under boob piece, so it's highest point reaches mid cleavage, lowest point in about an inch above my belly button, and it is the width of my entire torso. I had a vest top on underneath my work blouse, and a heavier work blouse on than I would normally wear to combat any nip attacks during the day, I just wasn't expecting to be sat under an air conditioning unit for 9 hours! I'm not allowed to wear a hoody at work due to my office's employee dress code, and as I heal in a few days normally (this is my 10th tattoo) I didn't think I'd need to buy any nipple covers for one day of work! My colleague didn't mean any harm by it, and actually apologized once he read some of these comments! so thanks guys :)

chazzywazzy654 tells us more.

Can't believe this got posted! The consultant dr(who's above the dr who said it was dislocated) reckons that it might not be dislocated, that my wrist is just deformed. Had a massive bruise, I still have it, got a follow up appointment next week, I'll find out more then hopefully

Furzball tells us more.

Furzball 5

Hey OP here. So yeah, I do agree it was a lazy stupid decision to go over that turd. Lesson definitely learned. As to YLS and YDI I think it's funny the two are running almost even. Although I mostly figured I'd share with you all for the grossout laugh.

megsterr413 tells us more.

hey guys, op here. I'm having a hard time posting my comment for some reason. but thanks for the feedback we mended the problem. and for the record we always play video games together but he was playing a single player game I couldn't exactly join in , I wasn't interested in playing my game or anything else really but him. he realized he was a bit in sensitive and has since made up for it and apologized. he also said he did come looking for me but he felt bad waking me up. we have been married happily for 6 years now and it was a small very minor bump in the road. thanks for all your concern though