All the FMLs

Kakapo4Ever tells us more.

This is OP here. Firstly, I live in Oxfordshire, England as of now but I used to live in Singapore, which is tropical, so geckos were everywhere, inside and out - especially as our house had a relatively wild and unkempt garden. They weren't any trouble at all and the only ways of keeping them out of the house were cruel, so yeah they were just all over the walls and floors. This is when the FML happened. Secondly, it's not outlandish to assume someone may have dropped a bit of food on the floor is it? Surely more likely than a ******* gecko head. And yes I agree the true FML is for the gecko...twas a tragic night :(

nykkymcallister tells us more.

This is my FML!! I'm honestly surprised it got published. To add more to this, me and my husband both got smart watched (no not Apple watches) because I had gotten one and he wanted to steal it so I got him one too. I said that we should go around our yard and act like we're in a James Bond movie and he agreed. The neighbors didn't know it was us which is why the cops were called. No charges were pressed and my neighbors were fine with us being in their bushes after we told them what we were doing and they even wanted to join us lol. Thank you for all the nice comments!

soccerswim20 tells us more.

Yes, we did all get to retake the exam. Our principal called the College Board and told them what happened, and they said we could either skip the section in the now sealed book wait until the next testing date. We decided to wait and took a different version of the test. And the second time our school counselor proctored so there were no problems! So moral of the story, if something the test proctor is telling you seems wrong, SPEAK UP.

aviationgeek tells us more.

Op here. the guy didn't tip or offer to buy me any food. it was a $3 fare.

centaursTesticle tells us more.

Hey everyone, this is my FML! #15 got it closest... I've been working on this project for about 3 weeks with my group members, and I have definitely done my fair share of the work in that time. All of us met up the night before it was due to type it all up, put it together and double check everything, but I had to leave that meeting much earlier than everyone else. Hence, they forgot to put my name on it :/ Thanks, guys.... I contacted my professor as soon as I saw the grade, and my group backed me up and admitted that they made a mistake. I was SUPER scared and pissed off but it got resolved! We got an A-! :D