All the FMLs

Grammer_Nazzi tells us more.

Hey, everyone, OP here! Thank you for everyone's kind words, and the play did indeed go to plan apart from that little hiccup. Extra little story: We had another show on the next day, and during the exact same scene, the exact same co-actor clinked her glass against mine so hard that it broke. I think she might have taken the drunkenness a bit too seriously. Fun times.

Buzzed_Head9 tells us more.

Hey, OP here. I'm new to this site, guess I should've made an account before posting? Sorry about that. Anyway, everyone had a pretty good laugh about it after the initial shock wore off! The place had these staggered walls in between the chairs and the other guy was blocked from view. Since it was a busy day, I guess the first stylist had said something along the lines of "the guy on the end just needs a buzz cut". When the second woman had come out she just launched right into it, and I did not say anything about the electric razor because I figured she was just going to clean up the back. But nope. Like a few of you had said, once it was started there was no going back because she went straight down the middle from my forehead to my crown! She was super apologetic about the whole thing, and sent me off with a full giftcard for the future. My hair was sort of on the longer side before, maybe just up to my ears but now it's only 1/8 inch all around. It was a big change but I guess I'll keep it for now since it's comfortable and looks alright. Thanks for all your comments, didn't think anyone would even read this!

kingdomgirl94 tells us more.

kingdomgirl94 29

Hey everyone, Op here. I live in the basement apartment, with a side door entrance. The problem is that my side door opens directly into an alley, so all packages and mail are brought to the front door. If I knew who was delivering it, it wouldn't be an issue, but it's direct order from build-a-bear (I was finally told what it was after the second time it got sent back) and we don't know who they're using to deliver. I wish that it was going back to my mother in law, but what's even worse is that it keeps getting sent back to the build-a-bear thing in Ohio (I'm in Ontario). The delivery company, thinking that the recipient has moved, doesn't even hold the package or leave a note for pickup, they immediately send it back. I don't think the new neighbours are even doing it to be malicious, I think they're just dumb. It's like six guys just out of residence (this is a university town, I'm a student too) and everytime I've spoken to them I get a deer-in-headlights look. Either way it's super annoying. I really like the suggestion of leaving a note telling the delivery guy that the upstairs neighbours are idiots and that I do in fact live there. Really made me laugh! Here's hoping I get it soon!

LucyLollipop tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here, thought I'd add to the fun. So, I live in a dorm-like building. I rent a room and share the kitchen, bathroom, living area, etc. It sucks, but it's affordable and it's what I've got till my car is reliable enough to move farther from my work. This place is off campus though, so the people who live here are more druggies, welfare recipients, and some really weird people, with a couple normal ones in the mix. Also, the walls are paper thin. The neighbor/roommate in question is a 46 year old, toothless guy with no job except for prospecting in the local rivers and streams occasionally. He always keeps his door open, yawns and burps louder than anyone needs to, and plays a lot of music. Including but not limited to "My Heart Will Go On," and the Chippettes' rendition of "Let It Go." Those songs. Every day. Multiple times a day. So I guess I can be grateful he was blasting "All I Want for Christmas is You" instead of the usual, but still. He also likes to watch hentai with the door wide open and the volume up. I honestly don't mind Christmas music when it's Christmas! Except I've been working retail so it's grinding on my nerves more now. Oh well. Thanks for all the sympathy! I loved reading all the comments, they've made my lunch break a little more interesting.

gavthewarealpaca tells us more.

Hey everybody, OP here, I love all the puns you have made and the concern. The spring that hit my leg went pretty far in, it chipped a small piece off my femur and the one in my abdomen was only skin deep. I'm currently in the hospital recovering from the surgery to get the little chip of bone out of my leg. I'm doing well and will be out within a few days! Thank you for the publish!!

kattylizbeth tells us more.

kattylizbeth 19

Hey, guys, OP here. I'm not even sure if I'm following up correctly, but here goes. My sister is almost 9, and I pissed her off because I didn't want to go to her softball scrimmage (yep, scrimmage not game) because I was going to Six Flags with my school. Apparently, this warranted her putting cat shit on my bookshelf/nightstand. Props to her, it was the worst thing to come home to ever. I didn't prank her back, she's 8. I did take away the pooper scooper though, lol

countryb_cth tells us more.

countryb_cth 38

OP here, wow I can't believe this actually got posted. I want to say thank you for the kind words, it was deffinatly nerve racking. To clear some things up, no we did not call the cops. The reason is once I heard the phone go off I woke up my mom and she turned on all the outside lights scaring whoever it was off. (I could tell because their phone went off again but that time the sound was farther away) Also I could tell it was a cell phone from how close it was and ring tones are easy to recognize. For the people saying it could be someone passing through, I highly doubt it since my back yard is fenced and my neighbors are not close together at all. However we are thinking it might be just some teenagers, since when housing construction was going on across the road from us some teens snuck into the unfinished houses, so it could be just them. Thankfully though my parents lock up the gates to the back yard and have a motion sensor camera set up that sends a message to your phone when triggered. We also own 3 dogs, one of which is a great dane. He's a big baby but his bark sure is scary. We hope the person doesn't come back again, if they do we will be calling the cops. There has only ever been one break in the neighborhood and we hope to keep it that way.

warrior1995 tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here, So to start things off, yes i know i'm an idiot... This is the first time i am ever attending an event like this and excitement got the best of me. I didn't really think of the idea that the wristband would lock, i had tried every possible thing to get it off but it was only making it tighter. Thank you to the few of you that were suggesting that twist off method to loosen it but unfortunately this bracelet had an extra piece so the clip itself could not be twisted off. To those of you commenting that it must be an EDM festival i'm attending because "only someone who goes to raves is stupid enough to do something like that" It is not an EDM festival. As for a follow up, I contacted the group on facebook and twitter a couple days ago and they finally got back to me today and told me to contact their support email. The person who responded there told me that i could simply cut off the band and that if i bring in the broken band, my receipt (proof of purchase), and my ID that i will be able to get a replacement at the festival. They also told me i would have to wait in a line for it, which is usually fairly long but there isn't any extra fee for the replacement. I am fine with this because it is a lot better than the alternative of being out the $300+ and not being able to attend this event! Thanks for all the comments guys :)