All the FMLs

Bogrbon tells us more.

OP here. They did stop pretty quick, after it started hurting, before it got too bad. Anesthetic tolerance runs in the family (and no, I don't use any drugs). They edited the fact that since it had been having issues getting numb, they'd already given me the maximum safe dose of anesthetic for the day, so I had to reschedule for the next available appointment 3 weeks out, and get a temporary filling and prescription for Vicodin (which would make me sick and keep me from safely working) to tide me over. Long story short, my tooth is not only better, it's worse, and I am still waiting, (If you've ever needed a root canal you know the pain.) so the pain at the endodontist's was all for nothing.

jeffcarp tells us more.

Hi OP here! Thanks for the funnies, laugh in the face of adversity I believe! Just to elaborate some more- I'd asked for the meeting, had been asking for a few weeks. I thought something wasn't right as they never responded, but when a time and place was confirmed I thought 'at last!' This sort of thing happens a lot in my job, so I was still none the wiser. I was basically told that there were too many others in the company with the same job title as me, and one has to go and they chose me. I stated that that was quite the opposite of what I thought we would be talking about and that was that. I have a notice period to work and want to check my rights and entitlements in the meantime- I'm hoping there's some sort of payoff! It's not all bad news though, I have another job lined up for me if I want it so I won't be out of pocket. It's strange how life can suddenly change!

Imagino1234 tells us more.

OP here. Most of the time, students like me have been able to get away with bringing food and drinks to class as long as 1) we don't make a huge mess. 2) we don't bring anything alcoholic (unless it's a final class celebration thing, but even then there's more food than wine). 3) we stay away from the computer labs. If we weren't allowed to bring food and drinks to class, there would be a lot of tired and cranky people who would wonder why there are so many coffee stands on campus if no one's allowed to bring something caffeinated to perk them up in morning classes. In case anyone's wondering, I was drinking raspberry flavoured Real Leaf iced tea; it's a popular brand on campus, so I even I'm confused why my prof didn't recognize it as iced tea.

theamazingd tells us more.

theamazingd 17

Hi there! OP here. I bought the ginger ale before my first flight, and opened it in the second airport. I didn't realize that the turbulence we experienced would be enough to shake it that much. When I opened it to drink, it sprayed everywhere. My shorts were soaked, and my arms were covered. I went into the bathroom and cleaned up as best I could, but my shorts were still damp when I got on my second flight. Basically, I had a moment of absentmindedness that totally sucked. I won't be doing that again...

TheHeirofTime tells us more.

Dr_Awesome654 tells us more.

Hey, op! In case you were wondering, I didn't get the job. I called after I realized I missed the opportunity and they said no jobs were open. Now for you curious people, the job was as a cashier at McDonalds, (yes they hire) and I don't know how much I would have gotten payed, I was just ecstatic to have a job, plus it would have been before my college student brother ever got one. But I can still beat him to get a drivers license ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)