All the FMLs

tatertotes13 tells us more.

OP here. Apparently this requires more explanation than I thought. The stapler was jammed so I opened the top to see if the staples were stuck. When I went to close it, the top took a lot of force to close again. My hand slipped and it sent a staple into my finger. It was an accident. I wasn't "testing it out on my finger." At the time, I was in school. I was using the only stapler in the library and it's not like I could leave school in the middle of the day to "go buy a new one." Have a little more faith in me.

ItsGoneForever tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here! Just to clarify a little: I shaved with blades once, but that was a disaster. Blood everywhere and it toon way longer than shaving with an electric razor. Therefore, no blades! My old electric razor was actually almost 14 years old, so I could have expected this. However, it stopped working all of a sudden, without any signs of failing previously! However, stores for electronics tend to open at 10am here in The Netherlands, while I start working at 8:30. So no opportunity to buy a new one before work! It was the first thing I did when coming out of the office though :-) As for my co-workers: we don't have our own desks, but you can sit anywhere you like. I chose a private office for the day, so I just got laughed at by my boss and nog by anyone else :-)

mmaarrrggoo tells us more.

the last house i lived in had a declared stinkbug infestation... i was horrified. the surrounding area was awful too. you couldn't go outside without getting hit by one flying by

ktpnothappening tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here. To clear things up, the warrant is for CDV and when hes arrested a no contact order will be in place. It wasn't a fun night. Our marriage wasn't doing well already because of his control issues, we were trying to work it out. After another argument, I told him we can't work this out, and my feelings had changed towards him. We went to bed with intentions of making a plan to start our separation the next day. He woke me up in the middle of the night to continue fighting, I told him we could talk about it in the morning. I guess he didn't like that, so he took it out on my face and threw me around like a rag doll. He tried to stop me from calling the cops, but I was able too. He decided to leave while I was on the phone with the police, taking all my cash and cards with him. I'm not perfect but I was a good wife and a pretty decent person, I didn't deserve it, no one does. Most of our arguments ended because he would start yelling and scare me into silence, I didn't want to live like that anymore. Anyway, hoped that cleared up some of the questions. A divorce is started, I'm relocating and leaving everything. I just want a happy, normal life.

cactusfears tells us more.

cactusfears 2

Hey idk how to work this but OP here. I should probably clarify, it was an accident - my dad was joking around rubbing one of my stuffed toys on my face to annoy me out of bed when the stud got caught on some of the stitching and got yanked out. Thankfully part of it was still in the piercing - it was just hanging there by the short part of the L-hook - so I didn't lose it, and my mom managed to get it back in, and it didn't hurt too bad. Just thought it was kinda funny :)