All the FMLs

mr1234 tells us more.

Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone, it's nice to know that I wasn't totally degraded for something that's been extremely frustrating. I'm very lucky the currently have a full time job (A supervisory position, at 24, as a woman!). And for those wondering, my field is business administration. i have a Bachelor's degree and plenty of legitimate work experience, just not experience that is directly related to what they want. so *whoosh* in the trash goes my resume!

Mojo0608 tells us more.

So I've never really been one for fake nails and I used to play the violin so I kept them as short as possible which is a habit I've kept. They aren't that long really (nowhere near claw length), so when my mum asked I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Um, yeah... No... I'm still on the toilet... Well not really, but I'm going to try getting these off as soon as I can, they're just weird to me. I think my mother will "nail" the exam, thanks for the puns and sympathy! :)

kenzamee tells us more.

I called them back! It was just a funny and embarrassing mistake. Interview next week!

FMLkoala tells us more.

Hi op here, for all of you guys telling me to use flea medicines and all that, I have tried everything and they don't seem to come off and it really "bugs" me. It all happened after I got a dog so yea I'll keep on trying. On the bright side they are happy dreams.

kitty91_fml tells us more.

Why does everyone just assume we're not close friends? She's actually one of my best friends. I hadn't seen her in a while because I was out of the country and I knew she would be ok with me rubbing her belly because with her first pregnancy she always wanted me to touch her belly. It would've been awkward if she hadn't burst out laughing. We ended laughing so hard at my stupidity that we cried.

hbbbs tells us more.

Hello! I'm the OP. Just to confirm, I didn't get any major injuries (just a bruised butt!) Also, -didn't put box on the cousin because she's too short, so she wouldn't be able to walk in it -didn't realize the stairs because when the box was on, I couldn't see, so I seemed to have lost my sense of perception Anyway, thanks for all the "hope your not hurt"-ish comments! ♡